Chapter 2: Arguments

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  I scowled as Monika read over my poem a few times with that same passive smile, where I had no idea what was going on in her mind. Which was one of my many pet peeves.
I'd read through Monika's a few times and it was interesting. Weird and somewhat creepy, but it was good.
   "I liked it Natsuki,  it gave off a childish outlook but if you dig deeper there's a darker undertones. I love it great job Natsuki. " she holds it out to me and I accept my poem before returning hers.

  "Yours was good and whatnot. Mine was just better." I grumbled, Monika  rolled her eyes nudging me slightly.
   "You know Natsuki,  pro tip, if you always keep everyone at arms length you'll never have anyone to catch you when you fall." She murmured cryptically and I glared at her.

  "I can catch myself!" I exclaim crossing my arms and glowered at Monika and she raises an eyebrow at me. I'm confused when she smirks and then out of nowhere, the bitch shoves me backwards.  I stumbled and braced myself for impact when I felt arms brace my fall. Was I imagining things? I blink my eyes open and see Yuri's violet colored eyes staring down at me.

   "A-are you a-alright Natsuki?" She questioned titling her head in concern.  Realizing that I'd been in her arms too long and slightly hypnotized by her freaking eyes I wretched myself from her grip.

  "Get off me Yuri!" I exclaim and she instantly let's go and backs away from me slightly, her face flushed and her hands working through her hair.  "What the hell Monika!" I snap storming towards her. She smugly eyes me before putting her hand on her hip.
  "I thought you could catch yourself?" She mocks and I am speechless because damn bitch did that on purpose the moment Yuri came over to exchange poems with me.
   "Monika we get to exchange poems now!" MC waved her over, Monika strutted by me, winked and then joined MC in the far side of the room. Where the heck was Sayori? Probably  some cheerleader thing she had to rush off to fix. 

"Sorry I didn't mean were falling..." Yuri's timid voice reminded me of her presence, making me whirl around to look at her.  Yuri looked down, avoiding eye contact with me.
   "Whatever let's just exchange poems and get this over with!" I snapped holding out my poem. Yuri took it from me slowly, and I snatched her paper from her shaking hands.

  I glanced at the poem, wheel? Sounds interesting enough.

  I re-read the damn poem like five times, still it made no sense

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  I re-read the damn poem like five times, still it made no sense. I didn't want Yuri to think I was stupid but damn it I had no idea. I looked up and noticed her looking at me patiently,  my poem dangling from her slim fingers. 

  "What's with this language?!" I demand finally just giving up with her and her stupid poems. Yuri frowns tilting her head and giving me a strange look.

  "Eh? um... did you say something?" She asked clearly she'd been spacing out. Which kind of lowkey pissed me off.
  "Oh, it's nothing. I guess you could say your poem is "fancy"." I mumbled holding her poem out to her. Yuri frowned slightly.

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