Chapter 12: I Won't

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I walk for a really long time, not really sure where my head is or what I'm doing but I have to leave. I can't do this. I shouldn't have tried to do this. I was insane to think I could be some older version of myself when I can't even handle being my insecure eighteen year old self.

Now I was supposed to be some middle age mom, who's also a  workaholic. I sighed dropping onto a bench by some random park, which reminded me of Candy and her damn fishes. I sighed rubbing my temples, my head was throbbing. I was still in my damn pajamas, obviously I'd lost my brain. I was gonna freeze to death in this windy weather.

I sighed pulling up my legs and curling into a ball on the bench. It's not like I wasn't use to sleeping outside.  My parents often either kicked me out of their house or we all got kicked out by the bank and had to live outside until they scrounged up enough cash for another rundown house.

  Which is why it was so easy for me to drift off to a restless slumber on a cold park bench in the middle of November.

  "Aunt Natsuki? Aunt Natsuki? Oh my god you don't think she's dead do you?" A tearful voice I didn't recognize whimpered while shaking me. I groaned, why couldn't I sleep in peace? All these annoying people and their constant bothering me.  See in my time, nobody bothered me because I kept everyone at arms length. 

Though it was lonely, I didn't have people bothering me!

I groan loudly and push myself up into a sitting position.
   "See Memes she's fine." Another voice piped up.
  "Yeah Natsuki is super resilient that's for sure." Another added and I blinked my eyes open taking in the group of young adults curiously.  There was a blonde with freckles and familiar bright green eyes. Another blonde with red eyes and a blonde boy with glasses and sandy hair... I'd have thought they were all blonde when a boy with red hair and circular glasses stood up from the curb.

  "Oh right you're still have amnesia.  Don't worry I'm Naomi, Monika and Sayori's daughter, and this is my friends Bernadette,  Peter and Edgar. " she whispered gesturing to the two blondes and the bored red headed boy.
   "Uh huh and you're bothering me because?" I question sharply and she tilts her head, an action I'd seen on Sayori one too many times.

  "Well Yuri's really really upset you know cause you just disappeared from your bedroom in the middle of the night...everyone's looking for you..." she muttered scuffing her shoe against the sidewalk and glancing around nervously.

  "Fantastic,  bye bye now." I laid back down, draping my arm across my eyes.
   "Seriously your wife and small children are worried about you!" She snapped sounding like Monika.
  "So?" I demand chancing a peek at the twenty something year old.  Her face was flushed with anger and her eyes were narrowed.

  "So get off the bench an in my car now or I'll make you!" The dark blonde bristled hands clenched at her sides.
  "Ooh I'm so terrified of the blonde barbie doll and her accessories. " I taunt rolling onto my side  and facing the white wood of the bench.

    "That's it!" Suddenly I'm rolled off the bench and onto the hard leaf covered cold ground and the blonde is glaring down at me.
  "Move it or I swear to God this blonde Barbie doll with boot you there!" She exclaimed sharply.

  "Whoah okay Naomi you're obviously hanging with Rory too much,  Natsuki come on I know you're confused and disoriented  but please think of little Candy and Harry they'll be distraught." The blonde boy proclaimed gently as he pulled me to my feet.

  "You got your crazy gene from Monika." I grumble at the blonde version of my club president and she shrugs looking away bitterly.

   "Peter's right we all just a bit too tightly wound, Memes you need to calm down, go take a walk." The light blonde girl shoves mini Monika towards the direction of a silver car.
  "Bernadette Kagari Cavendish!" She pouts and the blonde gives her a stern look.
Begrudgingly Naomi obliges, muttering under her breath.  
   "Alright miss Natsuki,  let's get you to the car. Here you go." The blonde boy slides off his coat and drapes it over my shoulders.

     "Thanks." I smirk as he helps me to my feet.
    "It's not a problem, I have my sweater, you're only in pajamas. " the boy reasons kindly. Which makes me think of Yuri.

I do feel guilty about Yuri and the kids. But my thoughts were so jumbled about that baby, my brother all of it. The three twentysomething year olds led me towards the car where Naomi was pouting.

Peter opened the passenger door for me.
  "Beat it Rory, Naomi is taking her aunt home, I'm driving you, Peter and Edgar home." Bernadette ordered and some black hair golden eyed guy was lounging in the back seat looking half asleep.

  "Ugh don't boss me around Bernadette! I'm tired, I don't want to walk to your car!" He exclaimed and the girl eyed him dryly.
  "I'm two cars away, big baby get up!" She grabbed his arm and threw him from the car.

  "Owwww stop it! I'm trying to sleep!" He whines and I wrinkle my nose, this was her boyfriend? This sniveling asshat. "Naomi stop just sitting there and drive me home, God your friends are awful!" He snapped and Bernadette grabbed the back of his hoodie and began dragging him away.

  "Shut up, you're so lucky you're dating Naomi,  otherwise I'd fucking throw you out of my car on the highway."

I buckled slowly, too drained and cold to really fight going with Naomi.  Naomi sighed heavily hand tugging her sleeve down she looked over to me sadly.
   "Why'd you leave?" The question was simple and soft, and I shook my head sadly.
   "Who's Axle?" I question back and her expression breaks considerably and she sniffs rubbing her eyes and looking away from me.

  To be Continued...

A/N up top is my horrible attempt at drawing an older Naomi.  Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!!

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