Chapter 3: Miss C

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Everything was throbbing like crazy. My forehead especially.  Stupid jocks and their lack of awareness. Now my head was pounding and it felt like I'd gotten stampeded  on by a pack of rhinos.
   "Glad to see you're finally awake dear friend Natsuki. " a unfamiliar voice greets me cheerfully.

I force my eyes open and pull myself into a sitting position. Why is everything white? Where am I? Wasn't I just with Yuri in the hallway? I blink rapidly as I rub my eyes a couple times, trying to wake up from whatever this mess is.
  "What the hell is this?" I question out loud, wondering if maybe Yuri dragged me to the infirmary or something.

  "This my dear friend is the time to come, I'm giving you the chance to see what your future will be if you get your head out of your ass and actually admit your feelings for Yuri." I whirl to see a girl with dark purple hair and magenta colored eyes. She's dressed in a yellow robe thing and she's sitting cross legged and I know I've gone nuts.

  "I do not like Yuri." I state to the figment of my imagination and she scoffs loudly.
   "If that were true I wouldn't be here."  She mocks and I bristle.
   "Yuri is like annoying and confusing and weird so I don't know why you think we like each other because I could never be attracted to her. Especially because I like MC. " I defend myself and she rolls her eyes.

  "Oh please lez be honest m'kay?" Is she quoting a movie right now? "We both know you're lying to yourself." She adds sounding amused by me and I stumble to my feet.

  "You're crazy...or I'm crazy...either way I don't like Yuri! I don't know that this is, but I'm not doing it!" I rage bitterly and she scoffs standing to her feet, and dammit she's freaking tall.
  "Look I'm your guardian angel." She exclaims overly peppy and I glance down at her shoes.

  "An angel who wears  pink hightops?" I question dryly in disbelief and she looks away bitterly.

   "Angels don't have to wear sandals and stuff all the time! Anyways I'm your guardian Angel, nope shut up, don't talk. I'm your guardian angel... you can call me Miss C,  and you my dear are getting a swift kick in the pants...or better yet a reality check.  Because you won't know what you're missing until you find it, so let's begin shall we?" She asks brightly and I wave my hands to stop her.

  "Whoa whoa whoa whoa, stop stop stop...stop. Why would I want or need this?" I demand and she shakes her head in mock disappointment. She puts her hands on my shoulders and I have to look up to see her face.

  "Look you keep things up the way you're going you're gonna die alone as a bitter old person, who kicks people off their property as you wave your cane around from your porch because you're too bitter and lonely to have the will to move." She shakes her head sadly and I shove her away.

  "Yeah well if I want to be a lonely old woman then I damn will be a lonely old woman. Whatever mind games you're trying to play won't work on me." I boldly say as I cross my arms and avoid eye contact.

  "Oh yes nothing ever effects the great Natsuki." She jibes and I glare in her direction.  Miss C or whatever reminded me of someone, I just couldn't really think of who right now when I was super busy being annoyed and bothered by her mere presence. 

  "You know for an guardian angel you're pretty annoying. " I grumble and she regards me like I'm a small irritating mouse or something.
   "Look Natsuki, I don't have all day to wait for you to come around. So bye bye now." She waved then flicked me in the forehead and everything went dark.

I groaned, why'd this keep happening to me? I reached up to touch my forehead.
    "Natsuki just calm down,  don't touch it... Harry hit your head pretty hard." Yuri...that was her voice. I opened my eyes.

  "What the fuck?"

To Be Continued...
Sorry for how short this is, but I plan on publishing another chapter today so yeah anyways what do you thinks gonna happen?

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