Chapter 5: Y'all Are Insane

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   "You're all crazy! I am not married and I don't have a kid!" I snap darkly as I back away from them suspicious like. This was all incredibly shady.  Miss C or whatever she was calling herself gave me a wry smirk,  she definitely knew what was going on, but by the tears glistening in Yuri's eyes I don't think she did.
   "Don't fret Mrs Darren, this is common behavior for amnesia patients." She comforts the purple haired woman and I glare at her.

  "A-amnesia?" Yuri whimpers and Miss C nods  sweetly. I glare at her.
  "Yes, I believe the ball hitting her frontal lobe caused a relapse in her memory. " she lied, before she turned to me a glint in her eyes.  "So Natsuki what's the last thing you remember?"

"You know damn well what it is you freaking psycho!" I snarl and Yuri grabs my arm and pulls me away from my wall sanctuary and sits me up on the examination table with ease.
  "Suki she can't help you if you don't tell her." Her eyebrows knit together in worry and miss C mouths slowly.
   'I'd cooperate. ' I glare at her huffy like.

  "Fine, last thing I remember is fighting over poems with Yuri in high school." I snap through gritted teeth. Yuri looks pained and miss C pleased with herself.  Dumb bitch.
   "And how old do you think you are?" She smiles widely and I shake my head,  resisting the urge to tackle her to the ground.

  "I'm eighteen last I recall..." I mutter bitterly as I cross my arms. Yuri looks deep into my eyes, her own watering heavily. Oh geeze I'd never seen her eyes so clearly before, they're usually hidden by her freaking this was a completely unexpected development when I felt like giving her a hug.  And I don't do hugs...EVER!

  "You don't remember anything? Our relationship? College? Our marriage? Your job? The kids? Nothing?" Some of her tears started to slide down her pale cheeks and I cringed. Why was she crying? What did she mean by plural...I thought when we had just one metaphorical son it was bad...but now she's implying there's more than one. 

  "Kids? Job? No you're crazy! Obviously you made this whole thing up... I'm not married to you!" I harshly proclaim and she sets her jaw, eyes burning with some unrecognizable emotion she reaches into her back pocket, without a single word she produces a wallet from her pocket and flicks it open. She just starts dropping pictures in front of me.

 "That's from our wedding day, not made up, those are our five children

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"That's from our wedding day, not made up, those are our five children..." I wave my arms around wildly to stop her before she continues.
   "FIVE KIDS? Which one of us pushed all of them out?!" I demand in disbelief as I kept looking at the pictures.
  "I gave birth to Haruto and Candice if that's who you're referring to,  but we together adopted Adaline, RJ and Darcy. " she snapped getting all huffy with me because I didn't know where her millions of children had come from.

  "Well sorry I don't remember agreeing to adopt a whole orphanage!" I snark and she clenches her jaw before she takes like seven or more deep breaths and then turns to Miss C and crosses her arms.
   "So basically I have to deal with teenage Natsuki again?"

  "Unfortunately." Miss C smirks in my direction and I glare at her bitterly. "Though the best thing you can do Mrs. Darren is just keep reminding her of your life and keep your daily routine as normal as possible." She smiles before she hands Yuri a piece of paper.
"And here's something for her pain."

  "I think I'm gonna need to pick up some advil, because I'm gonna need it." Yuri quips putting the prescription in her pocket, then starts to take away the pictures.  Ha ha hilarious, she's gonna need advil because I'm giving her a headache.

   "I don't think I'd ever have this many kids." I glare at the ground,  why would my future self want that? If this was all real just why?

Images of my own parents circled my mind, James and Dora Kirai were awful people, who should've never had kids...I didn't want kids out of fear that I'd treat them as badly as they treated me. Now this future Yuri is telling me that I'd willing taken in five kids.

  "I need to call Lin, I'll be right back Natsuki,  not that you care either way." Yuri pulls out her phone disappearing through the curtain.
"Hi baby, I'm sorry for scaring you..." her voice fades away with every step. I look at Miss C sharply.

  "I didn't ask for this okay, hanging with adult Yuri is one thing, but her five freaking kids are a whole different level of crazy!" I exclaim sharply.  Miss C smiles at me slightly before she picks up a picture Yuri had left.
   "You're a good mom Natsuki,  not like them. Just look at you." She places the photo into my hands.

   "How would you know that?" I demand and she points to my older self's face

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   "How would you know that?" I demand and she points to my older self's face.
   "Someone that happy just can't be a bad mom right? Besides there's gonna be a few bumps, but this whole thing is to help fact I think you'll thank me when this is all over." She smirks and I shake my head, dropping the photo back on the exam table.

  "I highly doubt it, annoying bitch." I grumble and she laughs loudly.
   "You'll be eating your words soon enough." Then she's just gone.

  "Suki, are you ready to go?" Yuri steps back into the small exam room and I nod mutely as I pick up the picture and hold it out to her. "Keep it, maybe it will spark something."

I was so not ready to be a mom of five at eighteen.

   To Be Continued...

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