Chapter 23: Closer

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A/N: Only three chapters left! Whoo hoo! Then this book will be FINISHED. I'm excited to write the ending but also super sad to see this book end like all the other ones... I have another book already in the works, but it is always satisfying to have finished a book.

Also I just want to thank all of you, your comments, funny, serious, or sweet have been what kept me going these past weeks...month...honestly I don't know where I'd be without it. Probably a much darker place...

So thank you this next chapter goes to you. I hope you all have a wonderful day and I appreciate and love you all..

I had my arms wrapped around Yuri as we sat in our house, the kids were upset, I mean they had reason to be ...Candy was still missing.
"I shouldn't have pretended to be a monster. " Harry whimpered his little lip trembling as he curled into Lin, who was trying not to cry herself.

"Mommy can I sit with you?" Darcy sniffed rubbing her eyes and sniffling. Yuri straightened instantly and helped the nine year old into her lap, kissing her cheek and rocking back and forth.

Harry had discovered Candy missing and began searching the mall for her, when he gave up he got the idea to look outside. The cops found him sitting by a fountain crying because he was lost and didn't know where Candy was. Heck no one knew where Candy was.
"Damn this uncertainty." I grumble bitterly and Harry sniffs looking up at me sadly.
"Mama Candy's gonna be okay right?" He questioned sadly.

Before I could answer insistent knocking was heard against the door. I carefully stood and made my way towards it. Yuri tensed giving me a fearful look. I pulled the door open and saw a girl with dark black hair and purple and blue highlights.
"Uh hey Mrs D, sorry to bother you so late," she whispered and I frowned how did I know this girl?

"Um who are you?" I ask as politely as I can and she slaps her forehead.
"Right amnesia, forgot about that." She laughs awkwardly then shakes herself and continues. "but I found Candy by the mall looking for you guys." The teen held up a hand as she ran back towards her motor scooter and picked up a little bundle.

My heart was jammed into my throat as she returned, and there Candy was sound asleep without a care in the world, wrapped up in what I assumed was the older girl's jacket.
"Jade?" Lin sniffed and said girl smiled.
"Hey princess, sorry for not calling but my parentals took my phone, something about limits and such." Carefully the teen placed Candy in my arms and I smiled turning to run to Yuri, as I gave the girls a minute to themselves.
"Thank you so much!" I exclaim in complete gratitude and she smiles.

"Don't mention it. "

"Yuri she's here, Jade found her!" The name rolled off my tongue with ease, maybe I was just adjusting to this strange future thing, but Yuri was up off the couch in seconds, as I rounded the corner into the living room.

"Oh thank God, thank God!" She takes the small child from me and starts crying loudly, though her tears are pure liquid relief. She swayed with the three year old sobbing as she pressed her close to her chest. Until said child's eyes blinked open and she took us in sleepily for a few seconds.
"Mama! Mommy! Hi." It was so sweet and innocent of a greeting that I found myself crying right along with Yuri.

"Candy what happened?" I whisper as if the three year old could coherently explain this to me. However Candy beamed at us excitedly.
"A girl came and asked me to go with her." She whispered brightly and Yuri and I shared a look.

"What?!" We both asked in disbelief and horror

"She was me bigger!" She held out her arms and giggled.
"Candice Gina Darren you do not go away with someone you don't know ever!" Yuri chided sharply and the three year old whimpered.
"But mommy she me!" She exclaimed which made no sense.
"That is no excuse, baby something awful could've happened to you!" She snapped and a soft voice broke me away from their argument.

"She's talking about me, I apologize for bringing her back so late." I whirl to see Miss C standing there hands in her pockets looking remorseful. Wait. Candy said the person was her but bigger...

Miss C had...had...

Purple hair, magenta eyes...

Miss C

Oh my god how could I have been so dumb?!

"I'm taking Candy to the ER, have her checked out, I'll be home you." Yuri shifted Candy to her other arm, grabbed her keys and purse and rushed out the door. Lin pecked Jade's cheek then sent her away soon after.

After she took Harry and Darcy up to bed with RJ I finally spoke to Miss C, so I wouldn't look like a loony talking to no one.
"You're Candy aren't you?" I whisper and she smiles sheepishly.
"I mean yeah, but I'm nineteen...I promise little Candy isn't hurt, I just saw ...I've been where she is...she's literally me, but being the youngest isn't the greatest... I let my emotions cloud my judgement and I'm sorry." She whispered looking down.

"Don't worry your time is just about up."

With that she was just gone...before I could even speak to her or anything.

I looked down at the wedding ring on my finger, what if I didn't want this to end?

To Be Continued...

With that we are now down to two chapters left!

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