Chapter 14: Making Friends

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Older Natsuki's POV:

I'm really bad at this, like I haven't had to make new friends in a really really really long time! Like sure I befriended people when I was writing my cook books and what have you, but that's different.  That's after I gained Yuri and she helped me grow into a better person.

  "Hi Natsuki,  I was just checking to see if you were still forgetful." She snorts in her quirky fashion and I smile, okay maybe I could make one friend.
   "Hi Heather M. I still have amnesia... Unfortunately..." I mutter more to myself and the bubbly blonde nods slowly as if processing what I'm saying.

  "Well since you don't remember maybe I could help you... we shared like half our classes together..." she laughs a few times then looks away.
   "Where are the other Heathers... and Veronica?" I question curiously and she scoffs crossing her arms, pouting at the floor. For a long moment she doesn't speak, and I fear I may have lost my one chance at companionship.  But then she turns towards me, eyes tearful, but trying to smile anyways then speaks softly,  forcing a cheerful tone.

  "Duke wasn't being very nice to me today.  I didn't want Chandler or Veronica to get mad at I'm giving them a Mac free day..." her voice breaks on the word day, and I feel awful for the smallest Heather, because nobody deserved that. Slowly I wrapped my arms around her, unsure if I was doing the comfort thing right.

  Apparently so, because she melted into my embrace instantly,  her small form quaking with her deep heartwrenching sobs.
   "Hey it's okay...don't're too pretty and nice to cry. You're by far the nicest out of all your friends. " I reason and she shakes her head against my shoulder, her body is still pressed against me tightly.

  "Not true,  Veronica and Martha are way nicer than I am." She sniffs rubbing her face into my shoulder.  I gently pat her back, trying to comfort her the best of my ability.
   "Mac, what did Duke say to you?" I whisper glancing around the empty school halls, first period had already started and I really didn't care if I went to geometry or not.

  "Just the truth..." she muttered bitterly and I held her closer,  she shouldn't feel this way. I recall the own time. Mac was a preschool teacher, I remember taking Darcy to her , I didn't recognize her she was so happy.  She wrote children's books on the side and volunteered at local animal shelters and depression hotline.  It's weird how I hadn't thought of her...until now.

  "Believe me whatever Duke said was garbage anyways. I don't think she ever says the truth ever. " I promise and she sniffs flashing me a little smile of gratitude.

  "Thanks Natsuki,  now come on we're both super late for geometry!" She exclaimed shrilly, taking my hand she yanks me down the hallway.


Being a high schooler again blows, like I'd rather run a mile on hot coals without shoes, than return to this place. However, I don't have anyone to blame but younger me, who pushes everyone away. As I sat at some greasy circular lunch table next to Mac, I really was craving something edible.

  "Oh hi Yuri!" Mac waves and I can't help but smile at just the sound of my wife's name. Even if it is coming out of someone else's mouth. Yuri looks shocked to see me, but schools her features well as she slowly approaches us.

   "Hello Heather Mcnamara, and um..Natsuki... I...I was not... a...aware...that y-you ate l-lunch together..." to anyone else Yuri would have sounded accusatory like she was mocking me, but I've been married to her long enough to know this was jealousy... Yuri was jealous of Mac.

  "Why don't you join us?" I offer and her face blushes red, which is super adorable. Mac beams nodding her enthusiasm as she gives Yuri a thumbs up gesturing to the chair next to me.

"Oh... uh...well...I mean... I guess..." Yuri whispers politely as she elegantly slides into the seat on my left. We all get into a random conversation,  laughing and talking. Though I can't touch, kiss or hug this Yuri,  it's still really nice to just hear her voice.  We talk almost all through lunch, Mac's mood thankfully getting brighter the longer we talk.

Then someone slams their hands down on the table and we all jump.
   "Mac what are you doing?" Veronica whispers, but she wasn't the one who slammed down her hands, that was all Chandler. I mean the blonde got more mellow after she started dating Veronica,  but she was still the queen bitch for a reason.

  "What's your damage Heather?! You've been avoiding us all damn day!" The strawberry blonde growls arms crossed as she glares at the girl on my right. Younger me would've thrown Mac under the bus instantly,  but I like to think I've grown a LOT since then. So I calmly stood, took Heather's arm (Heather Chandler's arm) and lead her away from Veronica, Martha, and Duke.

  "Look Chandler, Mac is avoiding you because Duke was being a jerk." I whisper sharply and her expression hardens and I can't tell if she's mad at me or Duke.  Her expression is murderous, no doubt about that, but she's not really looking at anyone so.

  "Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw, I should have fucking known!" She finally growls and I shrug weakly as she spins on her heel, Veronica is hugging Mac and I carefully take Yuri's arm and pull her away from their drama.

  "Sorry I just...didn't know if you wanted to stick around for their drama." I chuckle and Yuri regards me curiously before falling in step next to me as we wander the halls.

  "No I rather appreciate you pulling me away when you did, I do not wish to be tangled up in their rather tedious arguments." She smiles and I can't stop myself from doing the same because I made her rant. Rant without stumbling over her words, she was getting comfortable with me!

To Be Continued...

Sorry if this chapter was lame and or dull, but I wanted to show some of older Natsuki's progress with 'making friends'

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