Chapter 13: Axle

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TW: Character Death, Abuse, SIDS, depression, suicidal behavior

Flashback 12 years ago for 18 year old Natsuki (37 years for adult Natsuki):

Axle was fourteen, Natsuki was barely six, he was her protector, he took care of her when no one else would. He worked for their neighbors whenever he could doing odd jobs for cash to pay for little things he or mostly his little sister may need. He kept her safe. He took the hits whenever his parents were angry or high or drunk or both. He kept her safe, sang to her when she was scared, and gave her love that nobody had ever shown him.

"You're special cupcake, one day you're gonna find your purpose and you're gonna get out of here." He whispered firmly as Natsuki played with his hands smiling at him goofily.
"You'll go with me right Axle?" Natsuki asked her big brother smiled gently down at his sister tickling her stomach.
"I'll always be with you cupcake no matter where you go." He promised proudly. Natsuki giggled. However her expression darkened considerably after a moment of consideration.

"But you can't promise that." She whispered barely audible and he smiled brushing hair from her face.
   "But no matter what I'll always be with you Natsuki. " he murmurs hugging her tightly. Natsuki sat up suddenly,  breaking the hug instantly as she swatted his hands away then  crawled under her rickety bed pouting slightly.

"I don't believe you." She whispered softly, holding her comfort blanket ( a pink towel Axle bought her from a thrift store) against her chest as she looked at him with high levels of uncertainty. Promises were a thing of fairy tale in their house, in their life.  If it had been anyone else with her she'd have been safe to stay hidden but since her brother was so skinny he slipped under the bed easily after her.

"What? How can you not believe me? I've always been nothing but sincere. Plus I'm older so I know more!" He teased trying to lighten the mood, he reached out booping her nose making Natsuki sniff but smile slightly. He always hated seeing his sister cry.

"Promise Axy?" She whispered looking up at him serenely and he slid an arm under her body, bringing her close.
"Always ." He whispered against her hair. Natsuki curls into him, listening to his heartbeat she is lulled into a restless slumber.
Axle carefully brushed through his sister's soft pink colored hair,  she was sitting on the floor,  he was above her on the bed two red hair ties wrapped around his wrist as he worked on getting her hair just right.

Not like their mother could ever be bothered to be an actual mother to them anyways. Natsuki hummed softly to herself. Her favorite song. Her soft voice was barely above a whisper but Axle could hear it , and he risked a slight smile at the sound. Carefully he began working her hair into the first pigtail.

It's months into that same year when their parents invite over some of their friends... he's a rather large man, dark cold eyes. There was a woman with him, she was smaller, more kind to the children, but still she drank with the others. She had dark skin and eyes, but hers held a kindness the three other adults lacked.

  Axle keeps Natsuki close to his side throughout the whole dinner reguardless, before about halfway towards the end their dad yelled at him to get them all some beer.
"Nat come help me cupcake." He whispered goodnaturedly, but secretly he knew how his parents' friends could be and he didn't want his baby sister anywhere near them.

"Okay." Natsuki slid from her seat and started towards him, walking just past their father, when the man looked to their father and scoffed.
"Your boy can't carry three beers on his own?" He demanded harshly and their dad grabbed Natsuki's arm roughly and pulled her back onto the chair

"Ow papa that hurts, I just wanna go with Axle, papa, I will be good...please. " fear coated her words and she helplessly looked to her big brother anxiously before looking back at their father pleadingly.
"Sit down bitch!" Their dad slurred bitterly as he hurled the girl back towards her chair and Natsuki looked to Axle as he walked slowly to the basement stairs.

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