Chapter 20: Showing Gratitude

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   Older Natsuki's POV:

"Why're you so fucking stupid Natsuki?!" My mom raged as I made me a sandwich, trying to pretend she wasn't there. I walked back across the shabby grey floors and opened the always semi-empty fridge and pulled out the jelly. I then turned on my heel, shut the fridge with my foot and set the jelly next to my plate on the  less than sanitary grey counter top. "Hey who said you could make a sandwich?!" She growled and I grabbed a butter knife from the drawer.

"Do you want a sandwich?" I offer, trying to ignore her angry ranting.  She looked shocked by my offer and seemed to be processing my words deeply. Finally she nodded slowly, so I pulled out two extra slices of bread, moved aside some beer cans, shut the drawer with silverware and other stuff then opened the peanutbutter I'd bought from the convenience store.

  My mother watched me curiously as I made her and myself sandwiches, I reached out grabbing a knife once the sandwiches were complete I cut them into triangles and handed them to my mom.
   "Thanks kid." She shocked me with her gratitude and I watched her as she munched on the sandwich smiling constantly. I quickly started eating my own sandwich,  not wanting someone to take it away or anything. 

Because damn it I'm so hungry! My mom finished off her sandwich,  licking her lips as she smiled slightly. She'd finished it fairly quickly, and I was close to finishing my own sandwich when he came home.

My dad sure knew how to ruin a mood. Let me tell you, I sure as hell wish he'd be the one who "fell" down the stairs. Every single day I wish he was gone. Especially now, when I have to live with him.
   "Where'd you get this stuff?" He asked darkly as he gestured to the bread, jelly and peanut butter.

  "I bought it, would you like a sandwich?" I ask, though I'd probably spike his with something if he actually said yes, which he didn't. He just picked up the jelly and threw it at the wall, along with the peanut butter,  which did nothing but make noise because I'd screwed the lids on.

Though he also threw the bread to the ground and stomped on it, which ruined a perfectly good loaf of bread. I don't understand why he's like this. Honestly the dude has serious issues. 
   "Don't just ask me if I want a sandwich in my house!" He screams at me and I just kind of look at him.
  "Oh my I wasn't even thinking how very rude of me." I deadpan dryly, because when I was an actual kid, the dude scared me for sure, but I was there when he plead guilty to the murder of my brother,  he was bawling like the weak little spineless man he was. Because someone bigger had finally beat him down to size. I remember when he was being dragged away, I looked at him from my spot next to my Yuri and I waved, I smiled slyly and I just waved. He couldn't hurt me anymore.

  "Don't talk to me that way!" He shrilly cries out and I tilt my head giving him a sarcastic smile.
  "Or what, you'll push me down the stairs?" I mock and he goes to grab me and I step back, raising an eyebrow. My mom kind of just sits there, doing nothing like she does best. She's too high to function most times anyways. 

I watch her stumble away and I meet my father's gaze unwavering,  because I know now that his words are false, that his promises of me dying alone forgotten are just a nightmare because there's a bright beautiful world that's waiting for me, just beyond this darkness and hell.
.............. ............... .................. ................ ........

  I stumble up the stairs to Sayori's house, this was me letting my friends in, winning them back. I shakily lift my fist and knock loudly on her bright red door. I step back slightly, which turns into some stumbles, because of my pain. But thankfully I hear footsteps and the door swings open. Sayori's eyes widen she throws open the screen and pulls me into her small, but homey house.

   "Oh my goodness gosh, Natsuki are you okay? Who am I kidding of course you're not okay.. there's a huge gash on your face,  blood  is going sit at my kitchen table, I'm gonna go get some peroxide, bandages and ice for your eye...I'll just be a second!" She gently sits me in her kitchen at one of her wooden chairs and then takes off like a rocket up the stairs.

  I sit there for a minute,  bleeding all over her nice table,  I scoot my chair back a little and struggle with staying upright.  When someone slams your head against a marble countertop it makes you sort of lightheaded.

A loud thump followed by a crash signals Sayori's return, I watch as she skids back into the room, bandages and peroxide and various other things in her arms.
  "Okay I have to disinfect the cut first okay? This is gonna a lot so brace yourself okay?" She informs me gently as she pours some of the peroxide onto a cloth and begins dabbing at the cut on the left side of my face. I hiss at the stinging pain that comes right after.
  "Ooh I know it hurts Nat, but it's gonna help you so nothing get's infected." My friend soothed and I smiled because Sayori's a doctor with Yuri in the future so I believe her wholeheartedly.
   "Just do what you have to do Sayori." I slur but her name comes out as Sari and my friend tilts her head eyeing me critically. I wonder what she's thinking when she tilts my head and examines my old chin wound and my now current fat lip.

  "Natsuki may I not to be super nosy or anything...but well...who did this to you? You don't have to tell me ... I just noticed you have similar scars on your left ear, your wrist right here has a burn mark, and there's a scar on your chin..." she faded off looking down.

  "My dad." I whisper and her bright blue eyes shoot up to meet my own tired expression.
  "Y-your what?" She whimpers and I smile at the pictures of Sayori's parents and her. 
   "My dad, he doesn't like me much...ha he doesn't like anyone much...unless they're buying his products.." I trail off smiling at my own joke.

I miss my kids. So damn much. I sigh heavily and Sayori wraps me in a careful embrace.
   "I'm so sorry Natsuki,  I'm so sorry." She sniffs rubbing my back as she softly cries. I smile at her kind nature and hug her back softly.
   "Its not your fault Sari, just the cards I was dealt in life, I'll be okay." I promise because I know I will be. 

    "Right your head!" Sayori quickly sets to work, fixing me up once more and then she's rushing to grab an ice pack, she ends up banging her leg on the counter but manages to grab two ice packs for the both of us.

  "Sayori will you call Yuri and Monika for me?" I ask softly as I drift in and out of consciousness and she smiles laying me down on her couch once more.
  "Of course I will, you just rest for now."  She whispers covering me with a blanket, and I do just that.

To Be Continued...

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