Chapter 18: Beautiful Dreamer

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   Older Natsuki's POV:

   I blink a couple times seeing Miss C again,  as she pushed us apart,  quite insistently and glared at us, panting slightly.

"S-sorry Mrs Sweeten

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"S-sorry Mrs Sweeten. " Yuri  mumbled and I contemplated what she could possibly be seeing? Or who she could possibly be seeing?
   "Miss Natsuki I have to talk to you about your missing assignments!" She growled giving me a look, damn she looked exactly like her mother. 

  "Uh sure, I'll see you tomorrow then Yuri." I promise and she looks remorseful and starts away looking back once to give me a fearful look before she continues on...towards her motorcycle...damnit I forgot she had that death on wheels back in highschool.

Though I do admit she looks super sexy in leather. She swings her leg over, kicking the motor into gear, she turns meeting my gaze she smiles at me before she hits the gas and speeds away.
  "Okay can you please stop eyefucking your future wife and listen to me for like five seconds!" Miss C's irritated exclamation finally catches my attention, a few confused students glance our way alarmed at her volume and word usage. Which seems to only irritate the girl further. "What are you looking at? This is none of your business! Yeah that's right keep walking!" She yells and they quickly scamper. The supposed angel rubs her eyes bitterly. "Ugh it's times like these that I'm so glad I skipped high school." She mutters moodily, but sounds slightly more calm than before. I warily watch as she gulps in deep breaths, backing up further so we're more shielded by the side of the school.

  "Uh what did you need?" I ask slightly nervous that I'll set her off once more. She glares at me intently for a few moments.
   "Don't even try to kiss Yuri anymore, got it?" She demands sharply as she leans against the dark brown brick made school building. The poor teen looks exhausted and worn.

  "But why? She's my wife!" I complain and she shakes her head looking annoyed beyond belief.
   "Not yet she's not, and you shouldn't be stealing your younger self's first kiss. You'll get to kiss your actual wife soon enough,  so until then take advantage of your cold shower." Miss C hisses before she disappears leaving behind a confused red headed woman.

  "Natsuki? How did I get here?" She murmurs in confusion and I smiled as innocently as I can.
   "I don't know, I saw you looking half asleep over here, so I came to check and see if you were okay.." I lied and she blinks back her shock.
   "I should've known, I get too hyped up when I drink extra coffee, thank you Natsuki,  I'll be off then." She turns strutting away and I let out a sigh of relief.

  Well since kissing Yuri was now completely off limits, I'd better find someplace secluded to sleep. I had absolutely no desire to go to back to that house of horrors my younger self called a home, tonight.


  Young Natsuki's POV:

    I carefully maneuvered Candy into the stroller, making sure to buckle her in correctly without pinching her delicate leg skin. I looked up at Yuri to see if she was almost ready to go into the mall. She smiled at me wryly as she combed through Darcy's hair with the brush from the car and attempted to pull it into a ponytail prior said child's request.

  "Mama can we go in now? Can we? can we? can we?" Harry asked bouncing in place eagerly and Yuri shook her head at him. I smirked at his enthusiasm.
   "Mama Harry bouncing by me!" The three year old growled and Harry stuck out his tongue.  Ever since the whole monster in Candy's closet fiasco the two youngest kids had been fighting over everything.

  "Both of you behave." Yuri warns them as she tightens Darcy's ponytail before instructing Lin to put the brush back in the car. Great we are gonna take five kids to the mall...this was gonna totally not end in a horrific disaster. RJ smiled slightly as he picked up Harry,  placing the kid on his broad shoulders.
  "Problem solved no need to fight guys." He encouraged and Harry sneered down at Candy in triumph.
   "I taller than you!" He boasted as we began walking towards the building. I was pushing the stroller and Yuri was talking softly to Lin as she held Darcy's hand.

  "You  more smelly too!" The toddler snapped back and I sighed oh boy these two sure were gonna be fun. Harry glared at her, before Yuri snapped her fingers at them and they eventually broke eye contact. I smirked at their antics,  my brother and I never fought like this, but then again all we had that was worth something was our sibling bond.  RJ surged forward then taking the glass doors and holding it open for me. I smiled at the sweet gesture. Yuri was quick to grab the other door before I could get inside and become trapped.

I thanked them and pushed the stroller into the warm building. The family quickly followed and we started towards the mall directory.

The plan was visit a few shops, have lunch, visit a few more then head home for dinner. However after only visiting one shop for like fifteen minutes the kids had to pee.

  "Mommy, I have to go to the bathroom!" Darcy whimpered trying to tug her mom down where a couple signs said bathrooms were. Lin and RJ had to go too, so there I was left with the terrible duo. Harry pouted having been removed from his big brother's shoulders. Candy was pouting because she was hungry and bored. So I bought them over to a white bench sitting in the middle of the walkways.

I was in the middle of helping Harry spot all the people he could find with red shirts when someone called out to me.

  "Yo Natsuki how goes it!?" I looked up in confusion because to me this was like an alternate universe or something. 
   "MC?" I ask feeling awkward and he beamed jogging over and I stood to greet him.
   "Yeah, is there another MC you know? Cause like that would be weird right?" He asked in his usual dopey manner. I laugh awkwardly and he gives me a tight hug.

  "I'm running the video game store now, I own like five of them, did you see the game I based off our club years?" He asked and I shook my head slowly. "Well my buddy Dan and I created it, well Dan did the technology stuff I drew the pictures and stuff!" He snorts at his own description. "Anywho it's called Doki Doki Literature Club, its psychological horror cute dating game. " he explains merrily.

  "I'm sorry how is that possible?" I question curiously.
    "Mama Harry's touching my buckles!" Candy whines and I half glance at their argument before I wave them off.
   "Stop fighting, I'm trying to talk to my friend." I order and they both pout once more as I turn back to MC.

  "Whoa you got kids now? That's crazy. I myself am a parent to two husky dogs and one calico cat." He whispered brightly and I shook my head, how had I forgotten how dense this guy was.
  "Mama I'm hungry!" Harry exclaimed and I waved him off once more.
   "So how is the game like a dating game and horror?" I question curiously and he beams.
   "Well see the story's about ..."

Ten minutes later....

   "-and that's the basic plot of my game." He finishes with a proud grin.
   "Wait you made a game about Monika being an evil computer character who kills myself Yuri and Sayori just to win your affection?" I question I disgusted disbelief.
   "Uh I don't know what you're talking about Monique, Wuri, Matsuki, and Saytori aren't based off of you guys whatsoever. " he defends and I scoff.

  "Natsuki where's the children?" Yuri's frantic voice stops the words in my mouth. I turn seeing the empty stroller and bench my heart sinks.
  "Oh God. " I hiss.

To Be Continued...

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