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-I think I'm staying too- I said, waiting for Jungkook's reaction. I didn't have to wait long.
-What? Why?- He asked, making everybody look at him like he was gone crazy.
-So we can get to know each other better too- I told him with an evil smile.
At that point the girl that had come to look for "Justin" a few moments before, left with an irritated expression.
-Hope you don't mind- I added, acting all innocent, but he knew what I was up to.
I know I was being childish, but I couldn't help it.
-Justin you're not gonna pass on this, are you? I mean I wouldn't recognize you if you did.- Christian said, giving a questioning look to Jungkook.
-Yeah, I mean... Why not? If she says she wants to know me better, who am I to stop her?- He answered, trying to sound as convincing as possible, but he was clearly struggling inside.
-Great, then what about we all go to the bar, sit down, get a few drinks and talk?- Chris asked. We all agreed so Yuna and I followed the boys who looked like regulars of the place.

-Please, have a seat- Christian said to Yuna while pointing the barstool, as if he owned the place.
-Thank you- she said, clearly affected by his gentleman mode. Yuna, what the hell, get a grip on yourself!
While the two lovebirds took a seat and started talking, I sat next to them, gesturing Jungkook to do the same. He reluctantly did, still busy passing his fingers through his hair, he probably does that when he's nervous. Or at least, Justin does. Jungkook usually avoids eye contact and fixes his already fixed glasses when he's nervous.
They really look like two different people, I mean not only the looks, but also the way he acts. Justin is clearly not shy, and not socially awkward, for what I can see he's impulsive and aggressive and gets frustrated when something doesn't go as he wants.
I was actually confused by the whole situation, but also curious to know more about it and slightly willing to make him suffer since he treated me like shit for the previous 10 minutes.

-So, talk me about you, Justin... Let's get to know each other- I said, smiling.
-Shina, please, don't make it harder than it already is- He said, sounding genuinely hurt.
-What do you mean? I'm not doing anything. You said we're strangers, so let's...-
-Shina, stop please!- He sounded like he was about to cry. And even though I'm usually pretty sadistic, especially if I think someone deserves it, I felt like a punch in my stomach.
-Jungkook... I mean Justin... Whatever... Can you just tell me what's going on and why you're so upset?- I tried to use my calming voice and not my annoying voice for once.
-This wasn't supposed to happen...- he said, almost like a whisper, but I could still hear him, even with the loud music coming from the dance floor.
-Yeah, you already said that, but can you be more specific? If you're worried about me telling Namjoon and Seokjin about this, you don't have to, because I won't tell anyone if that's what you want. Or is it because of the people that are here? You don't want them to know your real name? Or maybe you don't want them to know... -
-It's about you!- He interrupted me. -You're confusing me! You have to leave!- He said, then got up and left.

What the hell just happened? Me? What did I do?
I really couldn't understand what he was blaming me for. I just really wanted to go home. The loud music and this whole mess made my head spin like crazy. I got a really bad headache and I was getting sick of that place. So I turned in Yuna's direction only to see her still flirting with that Chris guy.
I touched her shoulder to get her attention and she turned to face me.
-Hey, what's wrong?- She asked me.
-Where did Justin go?- Chris auto invited himself into the conversation. -Ah that guy, always so annoyingly unpredictable- He added.
Yeah, tell me about it!
-Yuna, I'm really tired, I just wanna go home, but you can stay, I don't want to ruin your night- I said, trying not to disappoint her.
-Oh, shut up. If you wanna go home, then we're going home. Don't worry- She told me, showing her beautiful smile.
-But you were having fun with Chris- I whispered into her ear.
-Don't worry about it. I'm here in town only for you, never forget that- then she turned to Chris -Hey Chris, I'm sorry, we really have to go-
-Oh no, already? I didn't even get to the part where I ask your number- He said, wiggling his eyebrows, and I felt the urge to throw up.
-Ahahah well you can skip to that part now, if you want...- Yuna, instead, was clearly enjoying it.
I started to go towards the exit, while she was giving him her phone number, just to spare me the rest of that sappy scenario.

Once Yuna was done, she caught up with me and a few minutes later we were outside of the building, waiting for the taxi that we called.
-So, what happened with that Justin guy? Did you scare him off?- She said laughing, knowing that I was actually capable of doing something like that.
-I don't know, he was just weird- I answered.
-Well but he was hot right? You liked him, didn't you? I mean, his friend was hotter but... Oh the taxi's here!-
The taxi saved me from that conversation. I actually didn't want to talk about what just happened. Usually nothing affects me, I never care about anything, literally. But this time, I didn't like this feeling. I wanted to shake it off but for the whole taxi drive I could only think about that. I replayed every single moment of the night in my head like a thousand times, but I couldn't understand.

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