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It was him. It was Justin, soaked in sweat, with boxing gloves. And when his eyes met mine, I wasn't sure if he wanted to kill me or himself.
-Oh hey, Jus, you're here too!- Chris said, once he saw him too.
-What are you doing here, Stone?- the coach asked Chris, getting off the ring, while Justin was still there, frozen, doing a staring contest with me.
-I just found out this pretty lady likes boxe as much as I do, so I thought I would show her where I practice and the man who taught me everything- Chris explained to the man that was probably in his forties but had the body of a twenty year old kid.
-What wouldn't you do to impress a beautiful girl?- The man said laughing, then he introduced himself to us. -Hi girls, I'm Coach Paul Lee, it's nice meeting Chris's friends... Oh Jack, you're here too, haven't seen you in a while-
-Yeah, I'm trying to focus on studying now- Jack said.
So he used to boxe? He didn't say that.

At that moment, Justin spoke up.
-Well, doesn't seem like you're that busy now- He said with a challenging tone and if I had known what it would lead up to, I'd have stopped him then and there.
-Want me to kick your ass like the good old days?- Jack said and for the first time I could see a resemblance with his brother's attitude and I didn't like it.
-Guys, don't make me have to divide you like the last time- the Coach said.
Wait, so they have history? Jack said they just didn't get along because they were different.
-Okay, you do whatever you want, I'll let Yuna try the punching bags- Chris interrupted the intense atmosphere, taking my cousin's hand and leading her to the other side of the room, while I was begging her to stay with my eyes and she was apologizing with hers.

-So? You're afraid I'll ruin your pretty face?- Justin said. He looked like he really wanted to beat him up but I didn't know why.
-No, I'm afraid to ruin yours...- Jack said, going towards the ring, taking a pair of gloves that were left there and going up.

-Guys! Fair play!- The Coach warned before they could start, but it didn't look like they were listening.
They wore some mouth guards and were ready to fight.
-Sir, not to question your judgment, but is it safe?- I said, not sure why and who I was worried about.
-Don't worry, they used to do this all the time... Yeah, they get hurt, but it's not something that you can avoid in boxing, am I right?- He said, smiling like everything was fine.
-I.. guess...- I answered, not knowing what to say anymore.

Justin threw the first punch and I'm not an expert but it didn't look like he was using any technique, he looked like he just wanted to punch him. Jack quickly dodged it, then laughed.
-You and your temper... When will you learn?- Jack told him, punching him in the face which caught Justin off guard, making him loose balance and me gasp.
-Jeon, come on! What are you doing? Keep your guard up!- The Coach shouted at Justin.
He went back into position and was ready to fight again. After a few minutes of them punching each other without any result, Justin finally took Jack off guard and punched him really hard in the face.
Jack fell on the floor with a bleeding nose. I rushed towards him.
-Jack! Are you ok?- I asked, worried.
-I'm fine, don't worry, it's really nothing- He said, cleaning the blood up with his hoodie's sleeve.
-No, it isn't, let me see- I told him, trying to get a better view on his bleeding nose to understand the gravity of the situation. I've seen enough medical TV shows to understand the basics.

-Get up!- Justin shouted at Jack.
-Justin, stop!- I shouted back at him.
-Jeon, leave it- The Coach told him calmly.
Justin got off the ring and left, without a word.
-Stone, come with me- Coach Lee told Jack.
-I'm fine, Coach, really...- Jack said.
-Move your ass, Stone- The Coach's tone was more commanding this time and Jack had no choice but to follow him.
He whispered a "wait for me here" while going into another room with the Coach.

Then, Yuna and Chris got back.
-What happened? Where's everyone? Why are you alone?- Yuna asked, worried.
-They did it again, didn't they?- Chris said, as if he was used to it.
-Do you mean they always end up breaking each other's nose?- I asked, confused and irritated.
-Yeah, it's their thing, don't get so upset about it. Who got it worse this time?- He asked nonchalantly, with a smile.
How can he be so calm about it?
-Your brother!- I told him, hoping it would make him react in some way.
-Yeah, I figured... He hasn't been boxing for a while, it was really stupid of him to agree to this- He didn't look worried not even one bit.
-Will he be okay?- Yuna asked him, worried like me.
-Oh yeah, totally, don't worry about it-
Wow, this really must happen all the time for him not even being affected by it.

Jack and the Coach got back from the other room. Jack had something in his nose, to stop the bleeding I guessed.
-Hey, you got your ass kicked, brother!- Chris welcomed him with a laugh.
-Yeah, don't tell me about it...- Jack answered, smiling, which made me relax a bit. Maybe there was really nothing to worry about, as Chris said. But still, what Justin did was childish. I mean, also Jack agreeing to it was childish, but Justin started it.
-Ok, now let's go, we need to take the ladies back home... Thanks for your time Coach, see you next week- Chris said, walking towards the exit.
-Yeah, you better come... You don't wanna end up like your brother- He said laughing along with the two brothers.
-It was nice meeting you, Coach Lee- Yuna said and I joined her.
We all said bye and left.

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