An Old Grudge

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-Jack, let him go!- I said, trying to put myself in between the two, but Justin wasn't of any help, it looked like Jack's attack didn't even bother him.
Jack made a step back but he was still looking at Justin with anger.
-Shina, stay out of this... I never told you the real reason why we hate each other and it goes back before you came into our lives... I didn't tell you because I thought it wasn't necessary for you to know, but now I need to show you what kind of person he is...-
I was more and more confused every second that passed.
-I don't know which part of this story is gonna make ME look bad and not YOU, but ok... Feel free to embarrass yourself...- Justin said, fixing his shirt and crossing his arms.
-Well, a while ago, when your Justin was starting to come regularly to the Armybomb and making friends with my brother, he caught me in an uncomfortable position and he decided to blackmail me with that...-
-I did what? Oh my God, you must have been really drunk... Jack, that night I found you wasted in your father's office, trying to open his safety box to steal his money... Do you happen to remember that I helped you out of that situation or you were too drunk that you had amnesia?-
Justin seemed to be honest, but it was still all very foggy.
-Yeah, you helped me and then you said that you were going to keep the secret...-
-And I did!-
-Yeah, but I know that you were willing to use that information to make me look bad in front of the people I cared... Even in front of my dad, who would've disowned me...-
-Jack, I would've never! I don't blackmail people... I helped you so we could be friends, but since then you started to act like a jerk to me and that's why I fought back... I never started this war, your drunk self did!-
Jack looked like was about to say something, but he didn't. The street's noise was all that could be heard.
-Are you realizing how stupid this whole situation is? Or am I the only one?- Justin added with a smile, that made me feel more calm. At least I knew nobody was going to beat up nobody. Hopefully.
-I... I don't know what to say... I think I misunderstood everything... I thought... Damn it! I'm sorry... Jus, I'm really sorry... I made plenty of stupid mistakes in my life and I shouldn't have blamed you for one of them... Do you think we can forget this?-
-It's okay... Are you at least sober now? And not stealing from your father?- Justin was being so forgiving and caring that I was just falling more and more for him.
-Yeah, I never did it again after that, because I didn't want to be caught again... And I drink only a glass every now and then...-
-Good... Do you still have feelings for her?- He asked pointing to me, his tone was a little bit colder.
-I... I mean kinda... But don't kill me! I won't do anything to put myself in between the two of you... I promise...- He said, a bit scared. -I just want to apologize to her... Shina, I'm sorry if I yelled at you, after all I was wrong about him and if you love him you should be with him... You have my blessing for all that matters...- He said with a bitter smile.
The L word kinda threw me off. But I still managed to smile to him to make him understand that I accepted his apologies. Sure I didn't know if we would have ever been able to be friends again, but if Justin was willing to forgive him, so was I.
-Okay, good... See you at the Armybomb tomorrow...- Justin said to him.
-Oh.. Okay... Yeah, sure... I'll see you guys there... Bye...- He said, probably a bit shocked about Justin being so cool with the whole situation. And I was a bit too.
Jack hopped on his car and left. Now it was just me and Justin, with the L world still lingering in the air.

-You want me to walk you home?- He asked me, out of the blue.
-I... Uhmm... Can't we... do something else?- I felt embarrassed to ask that, but for some reason I felt the need to spend more time with him.
-Like what?- He said smirking.
-Don't do that!-
-I'm not doing anything...- He said, still with his smug smile on.
-I hate you!- I said, sticking my tongue out.
-You don't and we both know that...-
-That's true...- I said, defeated, with my head low.
I felt him getting closer to me and I knew that if I raised my head we would have been staring into each other's soul for how close we were.
-Then what do you feel... for me?- His voice didn't sound teasing or arrogant, he sounded curious and also a bit nervous.
I slowly raised my head and as I predicted, we were dangerously close. But I couldn't solve this with a kiss. I had to answer. I needed to answer.
Don't kiss him! Don't kiss him! Don't kiss him!
-I... Uhmm... You already know how I feel... I told you days ago...-
-You were talking to Jungkook...-
-Yeah, but you know what I said...-
-And is it wrong that I want to hear it again?- He asked with a puppy face.
I thought only Jungkook could pull off the cute expression, but lately I'm being proven wrong a lot.
-I... I guess not...-
Expressing my feelings while not being angry was harder than I thought. The first time I told him how I felt was because Jungkook made me snap and I spat everything out without realizing it. But it was way harder to say it in such an intimate and soft moment.
-I like you...- I whispered, lowering my eyes for a second, still not sure if what I felt was just "liking".
-I like you more... But you're still in trouble for not listening to me, you know that?- He said, smiling sweetly and caressing my cheek with his fingers. I felt shivers.
-But I'm gonna think about that later, cause now there's only one thing I wanna do...- He continued and then kissed me.
I wished I could get those kisses every day for the rest of my life.

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