The Double Date

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That morning at school was pretty boring as usual. And as usual I didn't follow any of the lectures. The lunch break was the only fun part of the day.
The two Seok being the clowns of the group, making us laugh even at their bad jokes. Then Joon and SooSoo making us laugh even more by telling them how bad their jokes were. And then there were Jungkook and I, laughing at our friends craziness but keeping quiet for most of the time.

-Hey, Seok Two, what about we all go to the movies after school, you know there is that super funny movie, whose trailer we watched the other day- Seokjin said to Hoseok.
-Really? Oh my gosh, yes! We have to go, Seok One!... Wait, why are you Seok One?- Hoseok said, sounding first excited then confused.
-Well, for a series of reasons I'm sure you know about, one of them being the fact that I'm perfect... But enough talking about me, so who else is coming?-
-I'm sorry guys, I can't...- I said, making everyone focus on me.
-What? Again? Why?- Hoseok asked, disappointed.
-Is it because of your cousin again?- Namjoon asked.
-No, I mean yes, kind of...-
After my answer everyone kept silent and after a while Soojin spoke up.
-So? What is it?-
-Oh, you were waiting for me to tell you, sorry...- I said, realizing they were curious about the reason why I was busy. -Well basically during the weekend I went with my cousin to this club and...- While I was talking, I saw Jungkook's body stiffen, but I kept going. -...and we met these two guys who turned out to be brothers and they asked to meet us again this evening-
-Shut up! You have a double date?!- Hoseok said, shocked, louder than how I wished he did.
-What? No, I don't!- I said, making a disgusted face.
-Yes, you do- Soojin said.
-Hey, what side are you on?- I asked, feeling betrayed.
-The side of the truth! I mean, it's clearly a double date- She said nonchalantly.
-No, it isn't- I answered back.
-I mean, I don't know the whole story, but it pretty much sounds like you have a double date, my dear...- Seokjin observed.
At that point I gave up on making them understand that it wasn't a date, or at least I didn't consider it as such.
Only then I noticed Jungkook clenching his fists. He looked nervous. Or maybe irritated. I couldn't distinguish.
Maybe he didn't like me talking about this weekend. But I didn't say anything about him! Why is he reacting this way? Should I apologize? What? No! Of course not! I didn't break our promise! What is he so mad about? He's not going to turn into Justin now, is he?

The bell rang. The lunch break was over. Luckily Jungkook seemed to relax and we all headed back to class.
Once school hours were done, I said bye to my friends, telling them to enjoy the movie, and I went straight back home, as Yuna told me to do.

Once I got there, I found my cousin freaking out about not knowing what to wear.
-I'm screwed! Oh my gosh why didn't I bring more clothes?- I heard her say from the bedroom while I was still entering the house.
When I got into the bedroom I saw the mess she made. Her clothes were everywhere and now she was about to attack my closet too.
-Hey hey, easy on my closet!- I said, being afraid of her taking all my clothes out and throwing them around the room.
-Oh, Shina, I didn't hear you coming. You have to help me! I don't have anything cute to wear, can I please see if you have something for me in your closet?- She asked, making puppy eyes.
-Yuna, first of all, calm down! We're not going to meet the president. Secondly, yes you can take whatever you want from my closet, just don't make it turn into something like that- I said pointing towards the mess she made.
-Oh thanks Shina, you're the best! Don't worry, I'll be careful!- She said, kissing my cheek. The next thing I knew was that she was looking through my closet, whispering something that I couldn't understand.
-I'll go take a shower- I told her, leaving her focused on her "huge" problem.

After my shower, I went back into our bedroom and Yuna was checking herself in the mirror.
-What do you think?- She asked me.
She was wearing her light blue jeans and my white shirt, the one with loose sleeves and a belt at the waist.
-You are beautiful... You always are- I told her, making her smile.
-Thank you, little freak... Oh and I chose an outfit for you too...- She said pointing to my bed with some clothes on.
There was a pair of black tights and a dress, actually one of the few I had in my closet. It was white with black polka dots.
-There's no way I'm wearing that!- I said, convinced.
-Oh come on, it's cute! Plus, we're late, so hurry up and wear that- She ordered, while leaving the room.
I had no choice but to wear it, when Yuna has that commanding tone you don't want to disobey. But still I decided to give it a personal touch. I wore my white timberlands and my black leather jacket.

-I'm ready to go- I said exiting my room. When she saw me, she face-palmed.
-You really can't help it, can you?- She said, referring to my need to wear comfy and badass clothes, which I'm very proud of.
I smiled cutely, to convince her. -But I'm still cute, aren't I?-
She shook her head and took her jacket, going towards the door. -Yeah, whatever, let's go...-

And we were off to our "not-double date".

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