First Move

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The night went smoothly. I actually had a really good time with Jack and I never felt like he was making some advances. Or maybe I didn't notice, but either way I didn't feel uncomfortable. It just felt like I was hanging out with a friend. Maybe I really misunderstood everything, maybe when he said 'date' he just meant to hang out like friends. Anyway, that night I learned something new, which is that I suck at bowling. Like literally, I couldn't hit not even a single pin. It was embarrassing, but Jack and I laughed about it together and I didn't feel as stupid.

When it got late, Jack insisted to give me a drive home and I couldn't refuse. Also because it was really dark and I was kinda scared to walk home alone.
Once we got to my house, I said bye and got inside. I found my parents on the couch watching the TV.
-Hey, you're back!- My dad said. -Did you have fun with... Wait what was his name?-
-Dad, it's Jack- I said, mentally face-palming because I already told him about Jack like a thousand times.
-Yeah, right... I can never remember that name... It's too weird- He said, shaking his head.
-Dad, it's just an English name, I told you his father is American and they lived there until 2 years ago-
-Right, right... I remember...- He said. Sometimes he looks like a grandpa and he's not even that old.
-Hey honey, Yuna was waiting for you, she said she had something really important to tell you- My mom told me and I already knew what Yuna wanted to say.
-Ok, then I'll go talk to her- I said, leaving the room and going towards my bedroom.
And I found Yuna there, on the bed, looking at her phone and giggling.
I knocked on the door because she clearly didn't notice me.
-Oh shit! Shina, I didn't see you there!- She said, when she saw me.
-Hey, you wanted to talk to me?- I asked, sitting next to her on the bed.
-Yeah! It's about...-
-You and Chris?- I interrupted her, trying to guess the topic.
-Yeah! How did you know? Well, anyway... Do you remember when you told me to wait for him to text me? I didn't! I'm sorry, but I really couldn't... It was eating me alive... And I was getting really pissed, because I mean, how can you not text me after a kiss?! So I texted him in the afternoon and I told him that I wanted to talk to him... So we met and he was so quiet and you know how I am, I just had to yell in his face... I mean, I think I had every right to... He was being weird, making me think bad things... So I told him everything and finally he opened up and he said that he was just processing the fact that he fell in love with me!-
-What? Did he really say that?- I asked, shocked.
-Yeah, these exact words... But he was saying that with a sad expression, so I was confused... Like, is that a bad thing? So I asked him what was wrong with that and he said that he probably won't be able to let me go when I'll leave to go back to the States...-
-Awww, shit... Are you serious? I mean I don't know if you're still talking about Chris... The arrogant and confident Chris...- I really couldn't believe what she was telling me, Chris didn't seem like the guy who falls in love and craves for his lovers presence.
-I know, right! He looked like a totally different person! For a moment I thought there was like a serious problem at home or something, but then he told me it was about me leaving... He said that he doesn't want to be with me if that means being far away from me-
-What? What do you mean? He said he loves you, but now he doesn't want to be with you?- I asked, confused and kinda pissed at Chris.
-Yeah, don't tell me, I was about to kill him... Like what kind of reasoning is that?! So I yelled at him.. again! Saying that he was doing that just because he could see other girls when I was away without feeling guilty-
-Oh, wow, you really went there...- I said, thinking that maybe she exaggerated a bit. Which, for a second, made me think about what I said to Justin, but then I pushed the thought away.
-I know, I fucked up... And he got really upset, like he didn't even want to look at me... So I thought that the fact that what I said upset him that much must mean that it wasn't true... And I decided to make the first move-
-Wait, what did you do?- I asked, curious.
-Well, I kissed him... And he was shocked, but still confused and sad and upset... So I took it a step further and I asked him to be my boyfriend- She admitted, with a proud expression on her face.
-Oh look at you being the boss! And what did he say?-
-He didn't say anything, he just kissed me back, really passionately and...-
-Yeah, okay, skip that part...- I interrupted her before she could give me the details.
-Oh, shut up, it's gonna happen to you too, sooner or later...-
-Well, I hope later... But anyway, let's get back to the point! Are you together now or not?- I asked, still not sure about the outcome of their make out session.
-Well after the kiss, he said that even though he really wanted to be my boyfriend, he was afraid he couldn't cope with distance... So I tried to reassure him, saying that I would come back more often and that he can always come and visit me...-
-Well, yeah, it was an easy solution to think of... Why did he act that way?-
-Yeah, I told him the same thing and what he said after was so cute... He said that he panicked because he's never felt what he feels for me... Isn't that the most romantic thing ever?-

Wow, it really is...
For a second, I wished I had something like what Chris and Yuna had, but then I remembered that's not my style.

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