I Love Your Hair!

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I hardly slept that night. Too many thoughts clouding my mind.
Why am I still thinking about it? It's no big deal, I mean he just treated me like shit without an apparent reason, but a part from that...

Yuna was still sleeping, once we got home she had a phone call that lasted something like 3 hours, so she went to bed pretty late.
It was 7:30 of a Saturday morning and I was already up, which didn't make sense, because I always try to sleep more whenever I can.
I went to the kitchen and prepared some breakfast. My parents were already at work, since they own a bakery they have to go to work pretty early, so I never see them in the morning.

When Yuna got up, a few hours later, she found me on the couch playing on my phone. I was not in the mood for anything else, but obviously she was not going to let me stay there all day. So we got dressed and went out to eat something for lunch, then spent the whole afternoon in the mall. I actually wanted to kill myself, but after all it was helpful because I stopped thinking about Jungkook for a while. But it couldn't last long, of course.

-Shina, look at this!- She said while we were in a shop, putting her phone right in front of my nose. -Christian texted me!-
I read the text that said he had fun the night before and bla bla bla...
-'Can we meet tonight?'- I read the last sentence out loud. -Well, great, you have a date.- I said, trying to sound excited, but failing terribly.
-Oh no, no dates, we're just getting to know each other... That's why you're coming too!- She said, making me choke on air.
-I.. What?- I said, coughing loudly.
-Hey, are you okay?- She asked concerned, then continued with her excited expression. -We'll go to the Armybomb again! Aren't you happy? It was so sad when we had to leave yesterday...-
-Why there?- I asked, scared of the possibility of meeting Jungkook again.
-Because he's always there, his father owns the place- She answered.
-Oh that's why he acted like he owned the place, because he actually does...- I whispered to myself.
-What?- she asked, because she couldn't hear.
-Oh no, nothing... I mean, do I really have to? Like, it's gonna be only the three of us, it will be embarrassing, I know that you don't want a date, but still...- I said, trying to get myself out of this suicide mission.
-Ahahah Shina, it's not gonna be the three of us, the club's gonna be full of people... You can make new friends, or you can meet up with that guy again... What was his name? Justin?-
I froze as soon as she said his name.
-Wh.. What?-
-Yeah, Chris told me that he always spends his weekends there and they became friends because of that... But actually he doesn't see him outside of that place, he's always busy or something...-
Her words reminded me of Namjoon's. So his school friends never see him outside of school and his club friends never see him outside of the club? It sounded like the plot of a movie.
-Fine, fine, I'll come.- I said, determined to know more.
I was actually scared about how Jungkook would react if he saw me there again, but I had nothing to lose and I've never been someone who lets her fears stop her from doing something.

So that night we were once again ready to go to that club with the weird name.
We got there and went straight to the bar, because the two lovebirds had agreed to meet there.
And there he was, already sipping from his glass of some sort of alcohol whose name my non-drinking self was completely unaware of.
-Hey, you're here!- He said getting up from the barstool to hug my cousin.
He was about to do the same thing with me but I just waved, so he got the message and sat back down.
-So, did you miss me?- Chris asked to Yuna with that smug smile of his and that was my cue to leave.
-Yuna, I'm going to the toilet- I said without waiting for her answer.

Once I found the symbol indicating the toilet, I followed it. While going there, I looked around to see if I could spot Jungkook, but he was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he knew I was coming and didn't come.
Suddenly I felt myself crushing against something, or rather someone. Why do I always bump into people in this place?
When I turn to face the person I just bumped into, I found myself staring at one of the most perfect faces I've ever seen. It was so ethereal, almost surreal, that for a second I forgot about everything else. I even forgot to apologize.

-I'm sorry, I really didn't see you- He said, while I was still in awe. -I mean don't take it the wrong way, you're not someone who can go unnoticed, it's just that I was not really looking where I was going, I really apologize- He continued.
At that point I slapped myself mentally and spoke up.
-No, it was actually my fault, I'm so sorry, I was looking around and I didn't see you... I mean, not that you could go unnoticed either...- I said smiling and for a moment I felt so stupid, swooning over him. Like, Shina, what the hell are you doing?! You're not flirting, are you?

-Oh, you're talking about my hair, right? I know, they're too much, I just wanted to try something new... Sometimes I get bored when I look at myself in the mirror, always the same face... And since I can't change it, I try to change my hair color every now and then... But maybe I exaggerated a bit... It's too much, isn't it?- He said with his deep voice.
Shit, even his voice is attractive!
Wait, what did he just say? Shina, focus, for God's sake!

-What? Your hair? No, are you kidding me? I love your hair!- I said, but I actually didn't even focus on his hair 'till then. I looked up and saw that his hair was half blonde half pink.
Wow, this is a freaking statement! But I mean, with that face he can do whatever he wants to his hair.

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