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After a few minutes that felt like years, Justin cleared his voice and awkwardly broke the hug.
-Uhmm.. Sorry about that... I don't know why I did it...- He said, looking away, trying to hide the embarrassment.
-It's okay... Do you want to talk about it?- I asked, eager to know what made him act like that.
-Uhmm, actually, I might just... go back home now...- He said, starting to step away.
-Woah, not so fast, mister!- I said, grabbing his arm maybe too strongly and pulling him towards me.
He lost his balance and was about to fall, but I stopped his fall with my body. The impact, however, made me lose balance too and I was about to fall backwards, but Justin wrapped an arm around my waist and held me.
Only after this whole mess I realized how close our faces were. Shit!
I saw his eyes changing. They were full of sadness before, but now he was clearly thinking about something else. He was looking at my lips.
Don't! Justin, don't! We need to talk! You're not gonna distract me so easily.

-Jus, we...- I tried to say, but he hushed me. He closed the gap between our lips and I felt in heaven.
Why am I so weak for him?
I had missed his kisses. Justin's. Even though we kissed only twice and every time drama came out of it. Maybe because of that, I couldn't fully enjoy them. But this time, the silence of the night, the moonlight, everything was perfect. Nothing could ruin that moment. Except me, of course.

I decided to break the kiss for some mysterious reason. But I regretted it the next second and I huffed in discontent.
-Does my kiss bore you?- He said, confused but also a little amused by my behavior.
-No no no... No, that's not...- He laughed at me panicking. -Yeah, whatever, laugh as much as you want...- I said, acting offended.
-You're cute- He said in between his giggles and that, plus the fact that I made him laugh when he was sad, made me smile.
-I mean, you're just...- He said, realizing what he said and becoming serious again. And nervous.
-We can stop doing that...- I said, interrupting him.
-Doing what?- He asked, confused.
-Getting embarrassed when we say something nice to each other... We should probably be honest with each other without getting awkward, right?- I said, putting my serious mode on.
-Then you start, Miss Honesty!- He said, provocatively, crossing his arms.
Now he's back to the usual Justin. Now I recognize him.
-Start what?- I asked.
-Being honest, saying nice things without getting embarrassed. Go ahead.- He challenged me.
-What? Why?-
-You said it-
-I never said it, I was just... Wait, are you trying to distract me from the fact that you came to me in the middle of the night looking like a beaten dog? Because that's not gonna happen, you're still telling me what happened, you know that?- I said firmly. He wasn't leaving without an explanation.
I'm usually not the type of person who forces people to open up, but he looked like he really needed to talk but was too proud to do it.
-Yeah I know that. Then what about you tell me what I asked for and I'll tell you what you asked for?- He tried to compromise.
-Sounds like you need an ego boost, don't you already have a humongous ego?-
-Ah. Ah. Ah. So. Funny.- He fake laughed at my provocation.
-Okay okay, if you need it that much... I'm not embarrassed anyways, so...-
What am I saying? I am embarrassed! Shit, what should I say?
-Uhmm, let me think... See, it's difficult to find something to compliment you...-
-Your sarcasm is really getting annoying, do you know that?-
-Aww, thank you! I thought I was the one supposed to compliment you...-
He tried to hide a smile, but I saw that.
-Well, if you don't want to do your part of the deal, then I won't do mine... Bye...- He said, starting to leave again.
-Should I kiss you again to make you stay?- I said, without even realizing it. Why am I being so shameless?!
He stopped in his tracks and turned back in my direction.
-Okay, one... I kissed you. Two... Well, it may work, so if you want to give it a try...- He said with a smug smile.
Such a flirt!
-Shut up! I'm literally losing sleep because of you and you still haven't given me a good reason why!- I countered.
-I told you, I'll tell you after you tell me what you think about me, honestly...-
I didn't understand why he was insisting so much, but at this point I couldn't back out.
-Okay okay... Well, you are very insensitive at times but I think you still care about some people, you mostly act instinctively but sometimes that makes you the most honest person, which is a good thing. You're really handsome and also cute at times, especially when you're jealous. And... Do I have to go on? Isn't that like... enough?-
I looked at him, since I was looking somewhere else while talking, and I saw him not as I expected. I thought he would have a complacent smile, but he looked like he was in a bit of a shock. But it lasted a second, because then the complacent smile I was expecting showed.
-I mean, if you have more to say, who am I to stop you?- He shrugged his shoulders.
-Okay, I think that's more than enough... Your turn!-
His smile disappeared and I hated it.
-I... I miss him...-
What? Who are we talking about?
-I miss my dad... My dad before my mom died... He was different... He was present... He was loving... He was funny... He simply cared... Now it's like he doesn't care about anything, he scolds me only to look like a father, but he actually doesn't care if I invite someone at home or if I take good grades at school or if I have a... girlfriend...-
Wait, he's talking about Jungkook in first person?! Did he switch? Or...?

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