Why Did You Lie?

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He was still writing on his notebook, so he probably didn't see me getting closer, that's why he kind of jumped in his seat when I spoke up.
-Hey- I said, with a challenging tone, even though I didn't know exactly what to say.
He looked up at me for a second, then went back to writing notes.
-Hey, do you need anything?-
What? Excuse me, come again? Is he actually serious right now?
Despite the fact that he was making me pretty irritated, I decided to go for it and kept going with my purpose of challenging him.
-So, Friday night, what a night!- I said, sitting on his desk, which finally made him stop writing and focusing on me.
-Uhmm, Friday?- He asked, his voice shaky.
-Yeah, we had fun didn't we?- I continued with my act.
-I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about, I wasn't with you Friday night- He answered, making me lose my temper.
-So are you just gonna pretend that nothing happened or what? You know, if you want to play everyone else, it's fine by me, but don't think you can play me.... Justin!- I said, maybe exaggerating a little, in a fit of anger, and accentuating the last word.

-Stop!- He shouted at me, while punching the desk, which got me startled.
His eyes... That's Justin...
After two seconds, he suddenly stood up, making the chair drop. He looked confused. His eyes never meeting mine.
And just like that, he left.

I wanted to stop him, but I was still shocked from him punching the desk I was sitting on. I was frozen.
Like, what just happened? It looked like a glitch, as if for a moment he switched to being Justin and went back to being Jungkook the next second. What is this? Is it actually something serious? Is he not just playing me?

-Hey, you're still here? Why are you not coming?- Soojin's voice woke me from my state of shock.
-Oh, yeah, I'm coming- I said, standing up and going towards the door.
-What about Jungkook? Wasn't he here too?- She asked me.
-Isn't he in the cafeteria?- I asked, thinking he already got there.
-No, I'm coming from there and I didn't even meet him coming here. What happened?- She asked, suspicious.
-Oh no, nothing...- I said, trying to sound convincing.
-Hey, as I said this morning, you can't lie- She said, chuckling.
-No, really, nothing happened- I tried harder this time and I don't know if she believed me or she just didn't want to push me, but she didn't ask anymore questions.

When we got to the cafeteria, he actually wasn't there. I spent the whole lunch break looking at the doors, waiting for him to come in, but he never did.
The others asked me about him, but all I could say was 'I don't know', which wasn't really a lie. I actually didn't know what was going on, I was just hoping he wasn't mad at me or something.
Am I actually stupid? All I wanted was to piss him off and now that I probably accomplished the goal I'm here whining. What's wrong with me?!

When lunch break was over, we got back to class and he was there, sitting in his place.
-Hey, you were here! Why didn't you come to the cafeteria?- Namjoon asked him.
-I'm sorry I was reading my notes and time just flew- He said, acting all innocent. I was getting pretty frustrated by his switching.
-But when I came here, you were gone and Shina didn't know where you went- Soojin said, suspicious.
-Oh I went to the bathroom, I thought she knew... Maybe I forgot to tell her-

Wow, he's so good at lying, how's this even possible?! But he is not getting away with it that easily. He doesn't know me well yet, but when I set my mind to something I go all the way through with it. Let's see who's gonna last longer!

By the time lessons were over, I came up with a plan and failure wasn't included.
Once we were all out of school, ready to go our separate ways, I spoke up.
-Oh, right, I almost forgot what you told me during lunch break, Jungkook!-
Everyone went silent, curious about what I was going to say. Jungkook looked at me and I could see a bit of fear through his surprised expression.
-You know, about coming to your house and helping me with math. You said I could come right after school- I said making his eyes go even wider if that's possible.
-Wow! Did you really invite her to your house? He has never done that in three years of friendship with us- Seokjin said.
-Yeah, I'm jealous now!- Namjoon added.
-Guys, don't be jealous, I just asked him to help me and he was kind enough to say yes. Well now we should go. See you tomorrow guys!- I said waving to them. -Lead the way, Jungkook- I invited him, making it sound more like a threat.

He started walking ahead of me without saying a word. After we were far enough from school and from our friends, I decided to speak up, but he beat me to it.
-Why did you lie?-
-Oh, look who's talking about lying, isn't it ironic?- Sarcasm clear in my voice.
-I never lied-
-Are you kidding me or what?- I said, pretty irritated by his attitude.
He stopped in his tracks, and I did the same. It became quiet for a few moments.

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