Running Late

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That can't be, right? I mean, he's definitely not jealous! If he was, that would mean that... No, it's impossible, right? We're friends and also he's not the kind of guy that wastes his time liking girls... Just like I'm not the kind of girl that wastes her time liking boys... We don't like each other! Of course we don't! I mean, he surely doesn't... Me neither, of course! Why the hell is my head spinning?! I have to go...

-Uhmm, I... We... No, I mean, we're not dating... We just... We hang out... Like friends...- I managed to say. More like I struggled to say.
Get your shit together, Shina! For God's sake!
The others weren't saying a word. Probably Jungkook's attitude shocked them and probably Jungkook was mentally cursing himself for acting that way, for acting not like Jungkook.
-Ok, so... See you guys tomorrow- I said, leaving fast, without giving them the chance to stop me.

Once I got home, I noticed Yuna wasn't there and something told me that she was with Chris and they were probably already an official couple. The thought made me smile and I went to get ready for my night out.
While showering I couldn't stop thinking about Jungkook. For some reason I felt like I abandoned him in a bad situation when I left earlier. I know how frustrated he gets when he mistakenly acts like Justin.
Should I talk to him? Maybe text him? Hoseok gave me his number along with Namjoon's and Seokjin's the first day we became friends with them... Wait, why would I do that? Well, I'm just worried... as a friend, obviously! But now I have to go and meet another friend... Oh shit! What should I do?

When I got out of the shower, I checked my phone and I found a text from Soojin.

SooSoo: Do you know what's wrong with Jungkook? I mean, it looks like you two got close and he acted kinda weird earlier... Even Seokjin and Namjoon were worried... He left without saying a word...

He must be really upset right now. I should probably check on him.

Shina: I don't really know, but I'll try to ask him... I'll keep you posted :)

SooSoo: Thanks... And by the way, have fun with Jack ;)

Shina: It's not a date Soo!

SooSoo: I never said that ;)

The usual Soojin. She's always like this, but she's a good friend. And I love her.
After another few minutes of debating with myself, I made up my mind and texted Jungkook.

Shina: Hey, Jungkook, it's Shina... I just wanted to know if you're ok... You know, for what happened outside of school...

While waiting for the answer, I got dressed because it was almost time to go. Then I heard the notification sound of my phone.

Jungkook: He's not here. What do you want?

Is that....?

Shina: Justin? Is this you?

Jungkook: Yup, sorry to disappoint you...

It's him... I can't believe this... I'm supposed to stay away from him! Well, technically I'm not around him...

Shina: Sorry to bother, I just wanted to check on Jungkook... I thought he might be upset...

Jungkook: Do you care that much?

Shina: Well, I mean, we are friends, so...

Jungkook: Wow, you have a lot of friends, don't you? Even Jack is your friend. I'm impressed by your social skills, Shina. A round of applause for you.

Shina: Are you making fun of me or what?

Jungkook: You even understand sarcasm. I can see why Jack likes you.

Shina: What are you talking about?

Jungkook: Don't play all innocent. I mean, you probably even like him back.

Shina: Jack and I are friends and I don't even know why I'm telling you this. It's none of your business anyway.

Jungkook: Getting defensive, I see...

He was literally getting on my nerves. And that rush came back, the one I got the first time I met Justin. That rush that makes me wanna challenge him so badly. So instead of cutting off the conversation, I kept going.

Shina: I think you're the one who should explain to me why it bothers you that I go out with Jack...

Jungkook: I never said it bothered me.

Shina: That's it? You don't have nothing more to say? No sarcastic remarks? Did I touch a raw nerve?

Jungkook: Why am I even talking to you? We're not friends...

Shina: Oh look, he's upset now...

Jungkook: Maybe you got me confused with that crybaby of your friend Jungkook...

Shina: Shut up, he's 10 times better than you!

Jungkook: Yeah, I get that a lot... I'm gonna leave you to a better company... Bye

Oh shit! I overdid it, didn't I? I got Justin upset... I mean, why do I care? We're not friends... What am I even saying! He's literally the same person as Jungkook... Oh God, I'm so freaking confused!

Before I could think of what to answer, my phone started ringing. It was Jack. I took a quick look at the clock on the wall and I saw it was already 7:15. I was 15 minutes late!
How did this happen?! Oh right, Justin! Damn it!

-Jack, I'm so so sorry... I'm on my way there...- I said picking up the phone.
-Hey, I'm actually outside of your house... I know we agreed on meeting there but I was early so I came to your house, like half an hour ago... I'm sorry- He said.
-Oh, no, don't worry, it's fine... I'll be outside in two seconds, I promise- I said, while grabbing my stuff and stopping in front of the mirror to check if I was presentable.
-Ok, take your time- He said, hanging up right after that.

Literally two seconds later, I was outside of my house and he was there, waiting for me in front of his car.

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