Special Chapter I - One and Yours

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A present for 100K reads! Thank you so much to whoever read and appreciated this little thing I wrote. I really didn't expect it...
Mypoornerves 💜


It was a breezy summer evening, a Saturday to be specific. Jungkook said we had to go somewhere and no matter how much I asked him, he wasn't gonna tell me. He drove for almost half an hour.
Yes, in the end he actually got a license. It seems yesterday that I had to take a taxi to go meet him at the Armybomb.

Finally he parked. I looked around and the road seemed familiar. We got out of the car and walked a bit, and finally I saw them. The gates of hell. It felt like it had been an eternity since I last saw that place, our high school. It had been six years since we graduated and despite hating that place, I had so many beautiful memories linked to it. I looked at the school yard and they all rushed back. Hoseok making a fool of himself and me and Soojin pretending not to know him, Seokjin making dad jokes and Namjoon being embarrassed by it while Hoseok was laughing his head off, my short breath every time I was late for class and had to hear the teacher scolding me for at least 10 minutes and ranting about respect of the rules and God knows what else.
But the best memory of all was him. The first time he held my hand in that very yard and when I pecked his cheek and made him blush and when we hugged in the hallway. A lot happened in that last year of high school and a big part of it happened in that place. I still remember the graduation day, me and my friends coming out of that gate for the very last time with our blue and gold gowns. Jungkook and I holding hands.

-Wow, it's been an eternity!- I said.
-I know, it's crazy... Six years have gone by so fast... We went to uni, we started working...-
-And thinking I hated this place... I didn't know that life was gonna be even harder than how it was here...-
We both laughed.

-Come with me...- He said, taking my hand and dragging me all the way around the school perimeter.
The tiny little gate at the back of the building was still there, still rusty, still locked with a chain and an old padlock.
Jungkook got something out of his pocket and before I knew it, he was trying to break into school.

-Jungkook! The hell are you doing? Put that away!- I urged him, looking around, hoping nobody saw him.
This is probably one of the downsides of him acting like one person. I never know what to expect. Back then it was either Justin or Jungkook. I knew what each of them was capable of and I knew what to expect. But throughout the years he's been changing, even though I never really pointed it out to him.
I never wanted to pressure him to change nor make him feel like he had to. But nonetheless I could feel this subtle changes every time we spoke or every time I saw him acting some type of way. Now it had gotten to the point where I didn't have to address him as Justin anymore, unless we were with Justin's friends or at the Armybomb. He still manages to keep his two lives separated, but with me he's just himself, whatever that is.
In the beginning of our relationship, I had found myself pondering about what to do. If it was right for me to try and help him become one again or if I should have just accepted the way he was. But then, once I noticed the natural changes he was making, I sort of relaxed and enjoyed the ride. Those years were beautiful and I could never imagine myself being any happier than how I am with him.

But now he was trying to break into our old school and I was already imagining us spending the rest of our lives in jail.
-Seriously, babe, you need to stop!- I kept pleading him.
-I'm almost done, don't worry...- He said with a smile and after a few seconds the padlock unlocked and the gate opened.
-Ladys first!- He invited me to enter.
-Are you out of your mind, Jungkook! Why are you doing this?-
-Please, I just wanted to show you something... Don't be mad at me...- And there he goes, with the cute puppy face. I hate him and his damn duality playing tricks on my poor heart.
I entered rapidly the school back yard and he followed. Then he managed to open a window leading to the inside of the building and I started to have doubts about him leading a secret criminal life behind my back.

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