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That night, Yuna and I went to sleep really late, because even after dinner she kept talking about Chris for hours. I didn't really mind it, I was happy for her, she looked like she was on cloud nine and that was enough for me. She's always been the one that makes me happy whenever she's around, because she has this super extra personality and she's always excited about something. So seeing her that happy made me content.

The next morning I had to go to school, luckily it was Friday, last day of school for the week, but still, I was so tired.
I got there late, obviously, and I almost fell asleep two or three times during the lessons. When it was finally lunch time, I got up from my seat to leave the classroom, but I heard someone calling my name. It was Jungkook.
-Shina... Can I have a word? I know I always ruin your lunch time, but it's gonna take a second-
I was half asleep and not really hungry, so I agreed and told my friends that I was gonna catch them later.
When the classroom was finally empty, he started talking.
-Look, I just wanted to apologize for Justin... He usually doesn't use my phone, I don't know why he texted you when I wasn't there- He said, with wide eyes, like he was worried about me being mad about it. But I wasn't, I felt more guilty than mad.
-It's okay, you don't have to apologize... I'm probably the one who should apologize... To Justin, I mean... I think I went too far...- I said, honestly.
-No, well, that's not necessary... He kinda asked for it... And also...- He looked down, like he was embarrassed of what he was about to say. -...thank you for... defending me...-
At first I didn't understand what he was talking about, but then I remembered the last texts with Justin. He was talking badly about Jungkook and I said something bad in return. I didn't think I did it to defend Jungkook, I didn't realize it until now.
Well does it make it better that I didn't hurt Justin's feelings for fun but only to defend Jungkook?

-Oh, you don't have to... thank me... He was just being rude... So...- I didn't really know what to say or what to think.
On one hand, I thought I did the right thing by answering to Justin the way I did, but on the other hand I still felt like I could have been less mean.
-Well, that's all I wanted to say so, we can go to lunch...- He said, interrupting my thoughts.

We got out of the classroom and made our way to the cafeteria. I yawned and he seemed to notice, but he didn't say anything at first. After a while he spoke up.
-Did you... did you get home late from your date yesterday?- He asked.
-I told you, it wasn't a date...- I said, feeling shy all of a sudden. -And no, I didn't get home late, I just stayed up talking to my cousin, that's why I'm tired...-
-Oh, ok, sorry if I asked, I didn't mean to intrude-
-No, it's fine...-
After that, it all went silent. It felt a bit awkward. We were walking next to each other in the empty hallways of the school and we could only hear our steps.
When we finally got to the cafeteria, I felt relieved. I hated feeling the way I felt when Jungkook was around. So awkward and shy. Which is totally not who I am.

After lessons were over, I went home and I found the two lovebirds in front of my house. They were all lovey dovey, giggling and smiling at each other.
I wanted to get inside without them noticing me, but Yuna saw me and didn't spare me.
-Shina! Hey! Come here!- She said and I pretended to be surprised.
-Oh hey guys, didn't see you there-
-Yeah, right...- She answered, laughing and Chris laughed too, as if only seeing Yuna happy made him happy.
-Hey, I think I have to properly introduce myself to you... I'm your cousin's boyfriend, Chris... Hope you'll give us your blessing- He said with his usual smug smile on, but also with sincere eyes.
-You don't need my blessing, you'll just need a good doctor if you ever hurt her- I threatened, making both of them laugh, but it wasn't supposed to be a joke, I was dead serious.
-Fair enough...- He said. -But you don't have to worry about that-
-Yeah, I hope so... For your sake... Now I'm gonna leave you two doing what couples do- I said, already taking a step to leave, but Yuna stopped me.
-Oh wait, before you go, just know that we're going to the Armybomb tonight...-
-What?! No, I'm not coming!- I said, knowing that I couldn't meet Justin.
-I wasn't asking you, Shina, I was just letting you know... You are coming, period! It's my last night here before I leave tomorrow... You can't bail on me like that!-
-Jack is coming too... He said he wanted to text you to ask you to come but I told him you were coming anyway because of Yuna- Chris added, which put even more pressure on me.
Thank you, Chris!
-I mean, I...- I was trying to think of an excuse, but my mind was completely blank.
-Ok, great, you're coming... Now you can go... I'll come inside in a minute and we'll choose our outfits for tonight... Love ya!- She said, sending me a flying kiss.
I just left, without understanding what had just happened. I was too tired to think about it.
Wait, why isn't she tired? We went to sleep together and woke up around the same time... Yuna and her endless energy...

After a few minutes, she opened the door and brought her excitement into the house. Then she went to pick our outfits while I was on my bed, trying to rest a little. It didn't last long. It was soon time to go, so I put on whatever she gave me and we were outside of the house.

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