Too Close

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Chris and Jack were waiting for us outside with Chris's car. We said hi and got into the car, headed to the Armybomb.
During the ride, I warned Chris that I would keep an eye on him now that he was dating my cousin, but I also said that I was happy that they were together because they are literally made for each other. And then I told them about the wiggling-eyebrow thing that they have in common and they said they never realized they did the same thing with their eyebrows. We laughed a lot until we got to the Armybomb.

Once we were inside, I got flashbacks from last week and realized that it had been only one week since I met Justin and found out Jungkook's secret. It felt like ages. That week had been so intense. Jack noticed I was distracted and asked me if something was wrong.

-No, I'm fine, don't worry...- I said, trying to reassure him.
-Are you sure? You had the same expression the first time I met you here... Like you were looking for someone... Are you?-
-What? No, absolutely not... Why would I?- I said, my voice going up a bit, like I was lying.
Am I? No, I'm not lying. I mean, I'm not looking for anyone. Surely not Justin. Even though I still want to apologize. But Jungkook said no. But since when do I do what I'm told?

Anyway, Jack let go of the topic and we sat at the bar for a while, chatting. Then Chris and Yuna that were sitting next to us, stood up to go to the dance floor.
-Wanna dance?- Jack asked me.
-Why not...- I answered and we followed the couple to the dance floor.

While dancing with Jack, I felt a bit awkward because we were looking in each other's eyes, so I tried to look somewhere else. I looked through the crowd and then the real dejavu happened. Justin was there, just like the week before, but this time instead of being focused on trying to understand who he was, since I already knew, I kinda stared at him in awe.
Why the hell am I staring? Why is it so hot in here all of a sudden? Shit! The way he moves to the music and his messy sweaty hair... Wait, is that a see through shirt?! The hell!

-Hey, everything okay?- Jack's voice snapped me out of my trance.
-What? Oh, yeah... Totally fine... I just, I think I need to go to the bathroom...- I said, needing to get away for a moment.
-Are you sure you're not trying to avoid me, like you were doing with those two last time?- He said smiling and pointing to Yuna and his brother. I remembered what I told him the first time we met and understood what he meant.
-Oh, no no... It's just that, I'm feeling a little hot, I need to wash my face with fresh water- I said, which was technically true.
-Oh then go, I'll wait for you at the bar, ok?- He said and I nodded before leaving.

While going towards the bathroom, I stopped and without even thinking about it I went in Justin's direction. I didn't know why I was doing that, I felt like I wasn't controlling my body anymore. When I got near him, I pushed the other girls that were around him and I grabbed his wrist. He winced and turned his head to face me. When he saw me, he was even more confused. He looked around for a second and then took my hand and led me somewhere. I didn't really know what was happening. I was really not myself in that moment. I was only focused on him. I forgot about everything else. About where I was, who I was with. Nothing mattered anymore. I had the usual weird feeling I always had when I was around Justin or Jungkook, but I was starting to like it.
I got back to reality when Justin closed the door behind us. I looked around and we were in a room with some couches and other stuff, it looked like a break room.

-What was that about?- His voice, I kinda missed it.
-I... What do you mean?- I decided to play the innocent.
-Well, first you come here, when you said you weren't gonna come anymore... Then you come up to me like that... What part of avoiding each other do you not understand?- He sounded a bit pissed, but I was more focused on his shirt.
Shina, for God's sake, what are you doing? Calm down your hormones!
-Well, I... I just wanted to apologize... To you...- I stuttered.
-I thought Jungkook told you not to... Plus, you don't have to apologize, I'm the bad guy, remember?- He looked like he was trying to come off strong but I could see he was hurt.
-Jus, I didn't mean what I said... It's not like Jungkook is better than you...- I started with my apologies, but he interrupted me.
-You know Jungkook's gonna know what you said, right?-
-Yeah, I know, just let me talk... None of you two is better than the other, you're just different from each other...-
-Don't tell me!- He said, sarcastically, which got me mad.
-Ok, you know what, screw you! I was trying to apologize and you are your usual cynical self, making fun of me... I'm sick and tired of this...- I snapped, without even knowing why this was affecting me so much.
-Wait...- He said, while I was trying to reach for the door, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me.
We ended up face to face. We were close. Too close. My mind was not functioning anymore. I should've pushed him and left, but instead I was there, frozen, waiting for him to do something. I didn't know what I wanted him to do until he did it. He was looking at my lips, then got closer and closer until I felt his lips on mine and my eyes closed.

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