It Wasn't Me!

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Despite Jack trying to tell me that he was fine during the whole drive home, the next day I was still mad about it. I didn't care if it happened all the time, it just wasn't right. I didn't know why it made me so upset, it wasn't even about Jack, I mean I wished it was, but it just wasn't. Yes, I was worried about him getting hurt, but he didn't really get that hurt. What bothered me was Justin's attitude, the fact that he thought it was right for him to interrupt our peaceful evening and smash Jack's face for some unknown reason.
I wanted to confront him so bad, to tell him how much I hated him for always acting like the whole world revolved around him.

When I got to school that morning, my friends could tell right away that I was upset.
-Hey, why the long face?- Hoseok asked me.
-Wait, did the date go bad?- Soojin asked, worried.
-For the last time, it wasn't a date!- I said more harshly than needed.
-Okay okay... Then what's wrong?- She asked again, but I couldn't answer because Namjoon, Seokjin and Jungkook arrived.
-Hey guys, what did we miss?- Seokjin asked with his bright smile.
-Nothing much, I mean we were just trying to figure out why Shina is in a bad mood- Hoseok said and I wanted to kill him, because I hate being in the spotlight.
-Oh, what happened?- Namjoon asked.
-Nothing, just leave me alone- I said making my way to the school entrance.
Jungkook was right in the middle, so I had to face him and at that point I really couldn't separate him from Justin. The face was the same and I dreamed about punching that face, so I couldn't help it. I didn't actually punch him, but I pushed him with my shoulder since he was in my way.
While I was getting far from them, I could still hear them talking about me. Like "Why is she so upset?" or "Why did she treat Jungkook like that?"
Just let me be, people! I'm mad, so what?!

During the school day, I did nothing but eye Jungkook from time to time with a deadly stare. And he seemed to notice and get distracted by it.
Wow, I distracted Jeon Jungkook from the lesson, this is a first!

When lunch break began, I was heading to the cafeteria with the others, even though I knew they were going to ask me about my bad mood, but I was too hungry to care about that. But apparently my stomach had to wait, because Jungkook stopped me by grabbing my wrist so gently that I barely noticed. In those moments I could feel the difference between the two of them, Justin would have grabbed me and manhandled me like I was a rag doll, but Jungkook had just touched me like a was a porcelain doll.

-Can I talk to you for a second?- He asked whispering.
I didn't even respond to him, I just told Hoseok and the others that I was going to catch up with them later. Then I headed to the schoolyard without saying a word and I could feel he was following me.
I stopped once we were in the shadow of a tree, safe from direct sunlight, which was weirdly still really hot despite summer days being far gone.
-So, what is it?- I said sounding really annoyed. And it was more because I was hungry rather than because of what happened the night before.
-I... Uhm... You know, I thought we cleared things up... I thought we became really friends... I don't understand why you're treating me like this again- He said and I could see that he was trying really hard not to get emotional. Is he really this upset because of my behavior? I didn't think he would be affected that much...
-I...- I was a bit confused, I lost all the confidence I had by seeing him like that. -I mean, yes, we are friends, that's why I'm upset about what happened yesterday...-
-Shina, if you're talking about last night, I wasn't there and you know that...- He said, lowering his voice, like he was afraid of being heard by other people.
-Yeah, but it was your hand that punched Jack's nose- I said bitterly, bringing back the memories of the night before.
-It wasn't me, Shina... I promise you... I would never do something like that... If you want me to apologize for what Justin did, then I'll apologize, but I'm just asking you not to ruin our friendship because of him- He said, his voice getting thinner at the last sentence.
-Jungkook, I... I really don't know if I can do this... I mean, I can see that you and Justin are completely different, but still, you are the same person, how am I supposed to deal with this? I thought I was ok with it, but it gets really confusing...- I tried to explain to him.
-Well, this is more confusing for me than for you...- He said, raising his voice a bit. His tone changed and I could feel Justin was coming, but then he stopped and took a deep breath. -See, I'm getting really confused when you're around...- He said, his voice back to being the calm and soothing Jungkook voice. -You just need to avoid Justin, so neither of us will get confused and you won't have to bare with his childish behavior-
-Well, I tried, but he's everywhere I go!- I claimed.
-Maybe, you know, if you stopped meeting his acquaintances...- He said, looking down as if he was embarrassed by what he was saying.
-You mean Chris and Jack? Well it's not like I did it on purpose... My cousin and Chris are basically dating and me and Jack...- I trailed off, not knowing how to finish that sentence.
-Do you... Do you like him?- He said, still not looking at me, keeping his eyes on the ground, but I could see his cheeks, they were getting kind of darker.

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