3|Don't Get Caught

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You woke up to bright white lights blaring in your eyes. You were still in a hazy dream state and weren't fully conscious. 

The first thing you heard was a faintly familiar voice. "Is she going to be ok, shit I didn't mean to hit her that hard. Fuck what if she dies because of me I don't want an innocent person facing death just because of some stupid sport." 

"Chan, slow down for a second, as of now she is in a stable condition. Although there was a small puncture wound near her abdomen, she seems as though she is recovering just fine. She should be fine to leave in a few days." 

"Ok thanks Daewon." 

You heard one pair of footsteps leaving, the other pair softly stepping closer to you. 

You heard the faint ding of your phone, but you were in no rush to get to it right now. 

You needed rest and so that's what you did. 


"Yeah she's been doing alright, she's been resting a lot so that's helped her recovery, she should be awake soon." 

"Alright thank you." 

You knew that friendly voice of Marks. Hearing him stepping closer to you, you open your eyes. 

"Hey Y/N how are you feeling?" He asked softly. 

"Not too bad, definitely better than before, I just can't wait to get out of here." 

"Well then you're lucky that I'm here to take you back home." 

"Oh, really! Sweet." With hearing his words you jumped up collecting all of your stuff, quickly changing before you two left.

In the car on the way back home you decided to check your phone for any missed calls or messages from anyone. 

You didn't have many, but one of them stood out to you. Big Boss, oh shit i wasn't able to tell him of my absence. 

You went onto his name and read the messages. 

|: big boss: [Here's all the details we found of him]

|: big boss: [Bangchan, 22y/o, leader of gang StrayKids, location: xxxx Seoul]

|: big boss: [StrayKids is made up of 9 members, Bangchan, Woojin, Leeknow, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin and I.N. Watch out for them as well, they all live in that address I gave you before. Some of them might be guarding the place so just watch your back]

Shit he sent them that day that I woke up, hopefully he won't be mad that I haven't completed it. 

|: Y/N: [ok boss, sorry for the inconvenience of not having completed it, I have been in hospital the past few days, it will be done as soon as possible.]

|: big boss: [good]

Sighing, you leaned back in your chair, relaxing once again before your big job tonight. 


After you had finished getting everything ready you decided to have a quick meal before leaving for the job. 

Picking up your bag and keys you headed out the door. You checked your phone quickly just incase there were any problems, but everything was fine. 

As you got closer to the house you decided to park so that there would be no prior warning of an intruder. 

Walking into the property, you were well aware to keep checking your surroundings. When you got to a window you peaked in checking where each person was. 

Two of them were sat at a table talking to each other, one with fluffy looking cheeks roughly your age and the other a young looking boy, possibly one or two years younger than you with devilishly sharp cheekbones. 

As you went to put your bag down to get your gun out, you stepped onto a large rock, twisting your ankle yelping slightly from the pain. 

Mentally slapping yourself you went back to pulling out your gun. When you stood up again to peek through the window to shoot, you noticed the two at the table had moved. 

The next movement you saw was that of someone walking into the room. The moment you clicked back the safety switch, you heard a similar sound from behind you. 

Spinning around you came face to face with the two men who sat at the table just minutes ago. 

"You-uh, you might want to drop that." The younger one said pointing to your gun. 

You quickly looked down at it, thinking of an unstable yet last minute attempt to not get caught by them. 

Pretending to put your gun on the ground, you lent down and at the last minute swung your arm up, hitting the younger one in the chin with your gun. 

Using that as a distraction, you sprinted away in attempt to lose them. Your advantage didn't last long as the next thing you knew, you were tripped over and straddled by the older one, using his weight to pin you down so that you couldn't run away. 

You struggled and wriggled your best, kicking your legs out to be able to get out, but had no luck in doing so. 

"You may as well give up struggling. You aren't going anywhere soon." He spoke to you. 

You knew you had majorly screwed up being caught by the most dangerous gang in Seoul. Their choices of what to do with you weren't very broad, and now knowing that you were trying to kill them, your life expectancy might have just dropped a whole lot.

As the older one dragged you towards the house, he gave a quick instruction to the younger.

"I.N, go and talk to Bangchan about what we should do with her and where to put her."

"Ok, I'll be back." He said whilst running off into the house. 

"You know what you did was extremely dumb right. There's no getting out of this." He told you. 

"Well why not just kill me now." You quickly spoke back.

"That's not up to me to decide, I don't lead this gang." 

Cutting the conversation off he tugged your arm to walk you to the house. 

Walking up to the front door, it quickly opened with the young boy standing there. 

"Han, Bangchan said to take her upstairs and keep her in one of the rooms, he said that he'd get Felix to handle it from there." 

"Alright, I'll take her up now."

He took you up the stairs of the house quickly, not letting you see much. Stopping in front of a door he opened it and pushed you in. 

"Hope you have fun in here, this might be your accomodation for a while, enjoy." He smirked sarcastically. 

The next thing you heard was the door locking, confirming your hopeless chances of getting out. 

(word count/1105)

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