16|Be Honest

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When you opened the door to your house, all of the memories came flooding back. You used to have a fairly busy life working day and night whilst killing people, and now you found no reason to do so. 

You walked inside, with Felix following behind. 

Your place wasn't too big, it was a cosy apartment in a friendly neighbourhood.

After putting your bags down in your room, you walked back out and talked to Felix who was already sitting on your couch. 

"So, I was thinking that I'll chose my outfit now, obviously with help from you, and then so that that will be out of the way, we can then do as we please and we can relax all that we like." 

"Ok, sounds like a plan." 

The two of you headed towards your closet to find something cute to wear. 

"Show me what you got." He said in a low monotone voice.

"Felix, I swear, if you keep quoting shows, I will not hesitate to throw you through my window." You laughed at him whilst opening up the doors to reveal many beautiful dresses, some were very dressy and elegant and others were more simple and were a bit more casual. 

It took you two a while to find a perfect dress for tonight. You had eventually stopped on a flowy olive green maxi dress. It fit you beautifully and hugged your curves elegantly. 

After you had both agreed that it would be the dress, you walked to your living room and flopped down on the couches. 

You didn't bother turning on the television because the two of you were deep in conversation. 

"Y/N, please be honest here, do you feel anything towards Chan?" He asked you. 

"To be honest, I'm not too sure. I kept trying to tell myself that I didn't, but just this past week he has been acting in a different way, it's like he's more playful with me, why do you ask?"

"Oh, just because he has changed since you have gotten closer to all of us. It's like he's more energetic and happy whenever your around, and don't get me started on his slight possessiveness of you." He smiled at you.

"He's never been possessive of me, has he?" You asked him.

"You sure, would you like me to mention a few times?" He asked matter of factly.

"Why not, it will fill my head in a bit."

"When you came out to the pool behind him, where was his hand?"

"Around my shoulders, but that was just because I was shy to be in front of you guys almost completely naked." You tried to back up the reasons.

"Yet he could have just walked in front of you, plus the looks that he gave us when you two came out, I was actually scared of him for once. Moving on though, every time  we have practise, no one wants to go against you, but him. He always steps up to verse you, every time we're all in teams, you two are always together, whether it be on the same team, or each others opponents."

"I-what, he can't be, this is Chan we're talking about."

"I know, that's why it's weird, but I swear, I know what my eyes see when it comes to him being around you."

His words left you pondering for a while, taking in all of the information and trying to figure out other times of similar behaviour. It had never occurred to you, but there were many more times that he acted that way,  yet you never picked up on it.

"Ok, thinking time is over." He said, snapping you out of your dazed state.

"It's getting late, you should start getting ready." 

"Ok, would you mind helping me out with hair and makeup?" You asked him.

"Yeah sure."

You sat in your dressing room for a while, mucking around a bit whilst also getting ready. You didn't realise how long the two of you had been in there until you heard your alarm that you had set 30 minutes before you had to leave. 

"Shit, I don't have long till I have to go." You stressed a little bit.

"Don't worry, I'm nearly done." He finished in a second and you had to admit. He was a darn good stylist.

You put your bag at the front door so that you knew where it was when you had to leave.

After putting on your shoes, you asked Felix how you looked.

"You look amazing, don't sweat it." He reassured you.

"I should be back here by at least 10:00, but don't worry, I should be earlier."

"Ok, just try and let me know about ten minutes before you leave so that I can get here first."

"Too easy, will do."

"Alright, have fun." He said whilst walking out of the room incase Mark walked in and saw him. 

It wasn't long until you heard a knock on your door. You quickly brushed your dress out and opened it.

"Hey. You look beautiful." He admired. 

"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself." You smiled at him.

"You ready to go?" 

"Yeah, I'll just get my bag." You went inside and picked up your bag, following him to his car.

"So, where are we going to eat?" You asked.

"That's going to be kept a secret until we get there." He smiled.

He held out his hand for you to hold whilst driving and you wasted no time in doing so. You two drove to the restaurant whilst making up small conversations to pass time. 

(word count/941)

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