12|Good to See You Again

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You woke up happy and excited to tell Chan that you were going to go and see Mark. 

You had thought about it yesterday and decided that it was true, Mark was still the same person that you had known before and just because you knew that he was in a gang doesn't mean that he knew the same about you. 

Jumping out of bed you hurriedly changed and opened your door heading out towards the kitchen. 

As you got there you looked around for Chan but couldn't find him.

"Hey, where's Chan?" You asked Seungmin. 

"He's more than likely in his room."

"Ok thanks." You said beginning to head back up the stairs to his room. 

When you got there you heard music coming from his room. 

You knocked on his door and waited a short while for him to open it. 

When he did you were met with his muscly and veiny arms showing from his shirt. He must have been working out, you thought to yourself. 

"Damn, did I need to put more clothing on?" He joked with you catching you off guard staring at his arms.

"What, s-sorry no." You stuttered as a deep red blush rose on your cheeks snapping you out of your daydream. 

"Don't worry, I was just messing with you. What's up?" He laughed.

"I just came to say that if it's alright, I might go and see Mark today." You slowly spoke, slightly asking him for permission.

"Yeah sure, that's fine, I'll go down and tell Minho in just a second."

"Ok thanks."

You headed back down to the kitchen to make something to eat, when you got there you saw Minho and decided to see if he was happy taking you to see Mark. 

As you were taking down the cereal you were about to ask him but before you could speak Chan started before you. 

"So Y/N and I were talking last night and I thought that it would be safe enough for her to go and see Mark. Are you happy to take her?"

"Yeah, that's no problem, I was going to go and train with him today so he would be glad to see her back."

"It's been so long since I've been in that gym, it'll be good to be back." You joined in the conversation.

"Yeah, I'm sure, I feel bad because I know what it feels like to miss training for a long time." Minho empathised with you. 

"So, when will we leave?" You asked.

"If you're happy to we can leave after breakfast."

"Yeah, that sounds good."

You then poured yourself some cereal and began eating it. 

Once you were done you headed back upstairs and got changed into some sports clothes, when you had finished up you headed back down. 

When Minho saw you coming down the stairs he got up and picked up his keys. 

"Ready?" He asked. 

"Yeah." You nodded following him out the door. 

As the two of you were driving you realised that it wasn't too far away from the house and seemed the same distance as your house was to the gym. 

You pulled up in the parking lot and hopped out of the car walking to the front of the building. 

Just before the two of you entered the practicing room Minho quickly pulled you aside.

"Be careful with what you say, remember that you were sick and if you need to create some stuff up and lie to him. Got it."

"Yeah, got it."

You both kept on walking and put all of your things down on a bench. 

Shortly after you heard another door open. You turned to look and saw that it was Mark. 

The moment you got up to go and speak to him he saw you. His face brightened and an enormous smile grew on his face. 

"Y/N, welcome back, how have you been doing." He asked creating conversation.

"Well, you know, as good as I can be whilst being stuck in my bed for days on end." You laughed.

"I'm glad you're back, I've missed you a lot."

"Same here, it'll be good to be able to stretch my legs and finally move around again." 

"Well then, let's start."

You all started to warm up, as you were doing so you kept the conversations going. 

"Hey, so I've been wondering, I went to your house a few different times to drop some stuff off for you, but you were never home." You could tell that he was slightly suspicious of it all.

"Yeah, I did once too, I was dropping off some soup for you but there was no answer." Minho added on just to complicate it for you even more.

"Oh, I've been at my mums, she was looking after me the whole time, said I should have someone watching me at all times incase I got even worse." You lied.

"You know you could have asked me, I would be happy to help."

"But I wouldn't want to burden you, you would still have to work here and I would just be interrupting that."

"No, it would be fine, at least next time you know that I could be an option."

"Thank you, it means a lot."

"No problem."

You all decided to start training, you had to remember to play up to not having trained for a while so you were 'a bit stiff'. 

They both chose to stop early for you just incase you were 'pushing yourself too hard'. 

"Hey do you guys want to head down to that new cafe down the road, I heard it's really good, plus I'm starving." Minho offered.

"Yeah same, I could go for some food. Y/N, you coming too." Mark replied.

"Yeah sure, sounds good." 

You packed up all of the equipment that you used and made sure that the room was clean.

When you had finished you headed outside to go to the cafe.

(word count/998)

a/n: sorry again for being so late in updating. i've started school again so i will go back to updating on the weekends. hope you liked it, there will be more romance soon so look forward to it. 

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