5|House Tour

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"Y/N wake up. I'm showing you around today." It was Felix and his deep voice that woke you.

You slowly stretched and rubbed your eyes to wake yourself up. The sudden realisation of yesterday hit you hard.

You had joined a gang.

You didn't have to do much to get ready seeing that you weren't given any clothes in the time of being there. 

You hopped up from the bed and made your way to the bathroom in your room and neatened your hair to the best of your ability before walking back out to Felix. 

You had never had any conversations with Felix before, the only speaking being done was of communicating about your meal and when Bangchan wanted to talk to you. 

Although it was quiet, it was peaceful between you two, you both were pleased with the silence. 

"The others are umm, out training, so they won't be around here, that's why it's quiet."

"Oh ok." I said in English. 

"Oh do you speak English?" He said with a strong Australian accent. 

"Yeah I learnt it when I lived in America for a few years. Im guessing you're from Australia?" 

"Oh that's so cool, yeah I moved here quite recently."

"Ah yeah." 

"Maybe, if you don't mind we could talk in English with each other, I mean we don't have to but.." 

"Yeah that's fine, I like speaking English and I feel like I'm losing it a bit, it should help."

"Ok cool, thank you."

"No worries." 

You two kept walking around the house and he eventually went back upstairs and showed you whose room was who's. 

"This one is mine." he pointed to a door 3 doors down from yours. 

"This is Bangchan's opposite yours and next to your room is the relaxing games room where we usually just sit and chill." 

By the time you two had finished walking around the house and stopped talking you realised that you were getting hungry. 

"I think we'll just go and get food now and then when the others get back they can eat then because I don't think they'd be getting back fairly soon from this weather."

You looked outside and saw that it was raining quite heavily. 


After you two had finished eating, you decided to have a shower, but before heading off you asked Felix if there were any other clothes that you could use. 

He came back with a big t-shirt and some tracksuit pants and some undergarments as well. 

"I chucked a hairbrush in too, it should just be in there somewhere." 

"Ok thank you, I'll probably head to bed straight after so I'll say goodnight now."

"Oh ok goodnight." 


You walked over to the shower and turned it on. The beautiful feeling of your skin being cleaned of dirt was like heaven. 

You spent a little while in there and then decided it was best to hop out. 

You felt so refreshed and were ready to fall asleep. 

As you lay there on your bed wide awake, you couldn't sleep because of the rain. Most nights when it rained you always huddled up into your blanket in fear of the lightning and thunder. 

As the rain became harder, you started to grow even more scared. The moment that a big crack of thunder was heard you jumped and ran to your door. 

When you tried to open it, it wouldn't move. Great locked inside my own room not being able to escape this nightmare. You thought to yourself. 

Instead of just trying to go back to sleep, you decided that you would try to get someone to open the door. You started banging against it roughly, begging for it to wake someone. 

A few moments later you heard the door unlock and a fairly short but buff man stepped into the room with a frown. Just as be went to open his mouth to speak he saw how scared you were. 

"Sorry for waking you I just couldn't stay in here alone and with the door locked I couldn't get out, I'm sorry for..." 

"Shh." He cut you off he gave you a quick hug before walking you back to your bed and sitting down with you in attempt to distract your mind. 

"What's up, what happened?" he asked calmly.

"I can't sleep with the thunder and my fear just went downhill, I couldn't stand it."

"Ok, come here."

He gave you a quick comforting hug again before you pulled away and asked. 

"Why are you up?" You quietly asked. 

"I fell asleep on the couch and it was easy to hear you banging."

"Oh, sorry for waking you."

"No, don't sweat it, I needed to go to my room anyway."

"Ok, wo-would you mind sleeping in here tonight with me, I just need someone or else I could sleep by myself."

"No, I'll stay, but don't be expecting it ever again."

"Ok, thank you."

"No problem." 

And with those words the two of you snuggled into the blankets, he placed his arm around your waist, dragging you closer to him knowing that you would feel better like that. In a matter of seconds you fell asleep peacefully.

(word count/868)

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