27|Oh, Really?

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The next day you woke up and left little to no time to waste, in saying your answer.

You got out of bed and got ready for the day and headed over to Chan's room, knocking.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked, opening the door.

"I thought about it, and I think I will say yes. I know it wasn't much time, but I think it's safer for both you and Mark, and both of the gangs too." You told him to which he nodded to.

"I'm glad, it can bring security to both of our gangs by doing this."

"Yeah, I hope so."

"So, when will you tell him your answer?" He asked.

"I think I might ask him out to a cafe today and we can talk it through." You explained.

"Ok, that's good with me, just let me know when your leaving and when you'll get back."


The two of you headed out of his room, he walked downstairs and you walked to your room to get your phone.


Y/N: Hey, wanna grab a coffee today? I have to tell you something.

You hit send and then locked your phone, heading back out of your room to where the others were.

Your day was just the usual. Not much going on, but you were training for a few hours.

As you stopped for a while to get a drink and have a break, you decided to check your phone.

Mark: Hey, yeah that's good. Meet at the one down the street from the gym at 3?

Y/N: Sweet, sounds good.

In the time that you had whilst waiting, you decided to stop and freshen up before leaving.

When you were in the shower, you thought about many things, but the thought that stuck out most to you was how drastically your life has changed.

You had just been a fairly well known boxer as well as an assassin for the government that was, for the most part, fairly regular, but now you had left that all behind and would soon be in two different gangs and were a bit more than just friends with both of the most superior members in each gang in terms of involvement and maturity.

Although to many it would seem like a horrible double life, but to you it seemed like one of the best things that ever happened in life.

You decided to cut your thoughts short and get ready, stepping out of the shower and drying yourself off.

It wasn't long for you to leave after finishing neatening yourself and you found yourself heading to Chan's office to tell him that you would be back in roughly an hour or two, which he agreed with.

Before you knew it, you had made your way to the cafe and were making your way through the doors to meet Mark.


As you were both enjoying your drinks and were soon to be leaving, you decided to tell him the news.

"Ok, I know it doesn't seem like a long time to think about it, but I think I'll join." You told him.

"Oh, wait really, are you sure?" He questioned, caught slightly off guard from your statement.

"Yeah, if it means being with you and knowing you're safe, then I'm willing to do it. Any other stuff, I'm sure I can deal with."

"That's amazing, I'll be telling the others, they've been eager to meet you."

"Wait they know about me?" You asked him.

"Of course they do, plus how much of a wonderful person you are." He said and pulled you closer to him giving you a small kiss.

You were slightly giddy about joining his gang, you knew that now you would have to spend most of your time with Got7 and not StrayKids, but in your mind it was worth it for the time being if you were able to spend time with Mark.

The thought kept popping up into your mind of how much you liked him, and enjoyed his company, but there was always still that light in the back of your mind that dimly shone for Chan, that had regularly made its way to the front of your mind.

Leaving it for now, you let the thought go and enjoyed your time with Mark, now talking about a few of the new changes happening to your regular day, and how your time would be spent.

(word count/745)

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