35|Come Back

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"Guys I said where are the others?" You repeated.

"We're not sure, we were all heading back to the cars and we lost them, we thought they were safe but we lost communications with them as well, we can't be sure what's happened." Hyunjin spoke up.

"No, no, no, this can't happen, I can't loose anyone else, I couldn't bare it without one of you guys here, what can we do to help?" You asked.

"At this point nothing, we can't go back, it's too risky and we don't know if they are alright, we need to wait and see what happens. We need to hope for the best and then tomorrow we can go and find them, that's our best option." Minho answered.

They all nodded their heads in agreement and then started walking back to their rooms to have showers and relax, leaving you still standing at the door.

You pulled yourself out of your thoughts and decided it would be best to start cooking for the guys, heading to the kitchen to prepare.

Whilst cooking, your mind was still occupied by the other members who had not returned, you completely zoned out and accidentally hit your arm on the hot pans.

You quickly pulled away, dropping the utensils with a loud clang.

"Shit, Y/N, are you alright?" You heard the soft but worried voice of Felix.

Once you recognised whose voice it was you were quick to spin around and run to him to give him a hug.

"Lix oh my god thank god you're alright, are the others back too." You pulled back, concern laced in your words.

"Yeah, we're just bringing the stuff back from the car, I better go and help them." He turned and headed back to the front door.

You said a small okay and then got back to cooking, running your hand under cold water first.

As you were placing the food onto the plates, you felt two warm hands snake their way around your waist. As you looked up you saw Chan grinning at you.

"Where were you guys, I was worried sick. The others even told me that we couldn't go back for you guys, I thought something horrible happened to you." You spoke softly.

"We nearly got caught by the cops, we had to lose them but it wasn't easy, nothing else went bad though. We're all safe now." He gave you a small kiss on the cheek.

"Good, I couldn't handle loosing any of you, can you go and tell the others food is ready."

"Yeah sure." He walked away to the other's bedrooms.

As the others started gathering, you only had your eyes on one person in particular.

He meant so much to you, he was caring for all of his members, he was funny and smart, he was everything that you wished for. You found yourself smiling uncontrollably at it, Jisung noticing and nudging you, "what's that all about, is it maybe from a man named Chan?" He teased, your face glowing a bright shade of pink.

"Maybe." You replied quietly.

"Ooh, I knew it, I knew it." He celebrated.

You all finished your meals and were putting them away when you all agreed on watching a movie.

You collected the blankets and brought them to the lounge, Changbin following after with some pillows.

"I got dibs on a couch." Felix ran and jumped onto the end of one of the couches.

You laughed and set yourself up on the floor.

"Mind if I join you down here?" Chan asked.

"Not at all." You pulled some blankets for him, lifting them up so he could get under them.

He draped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him.

The movie played and you found yourself thinking again, how lucky you are to have all of these amazing people by your side, who love you and would do anything for you, to make sure you were safe.

You slowly turned around to face Chan and smiled before leaning in and gently kissing him. He cupped your face and softly kissed you before pulling away.

"The others would hate us if they saw this, I'll give you more later in my room if you want." He cheekily smiled at you.

"What if I don't want to kiss you later, what if I want to kiss you now." You pouted.

"Too bad, you'll have to wait later or not get them at all." He smirked.

"Fine." You turned around, purposely moving forward so that there was a gap between the two of you.

"You're not mad at me are you?" He asked as he pulled you back to him.

You gave a little shrug, still facing the movie.

"I'm sorry." He said with some playfulness in his voice, as he gave you a quick kiss on the cheek.

After the movie had finished you all went back to your rooms to go to sleep, leaving the blankets to clean up tomorrow.

Just as you were about to walk back into your room, Chan gently grabbed your arm and dragged you to his room.

As you got into the room he shut the door and gently pressed you against the door, kissing you passionately but slowly.

The two of you were lost in your own world, no matter how much you kissed Chan, you still needed more.

He slowly pulled away and led you to the bed, continuing the kisses.

After a while you lightly pulled away.

"I love you so much." You smiled as you pecked his lips once more before sinking back into the bed, placing your head on his chest.

"I love you too." He ran his fingers through your hair, giving you a soft kiss on the lips, pulling you in closer to him.

In that moment of time you found yourself thinking about how lucky you were to have a guy like Chan. Everything he did was to protect you or to keep you safe, always having your best interests in mind.

You thought of yourself to be the luckiest girl alive being with Chan, and you planned for it to be like that forever.

(word count/1076)

thank you all so much for reading this book and being so patient with my updating, I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. thank you thank you thank you, I love you all 😘

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