17|Fun Time

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The two of you eventually stopped outside a beautiful restaurant. 

You sat there admiring it, not realising that Mark had already made his way over to your door and opened it for you holding his arm out for you to take. 

You both entered the restaurant and were taken to your seats straight away. It was quite busy, yet you didn't mind since you two were in a fairly secluded area to yourselves so it was much quieter. 

It was quick to order your meals, you ordered a dish of lemon and herb chicken with a light salad and Mark ordered a Pittsburgh rare steak with salad, for a beverage, you both ordered a white wine. 

Your meals came fairly quickly and you spent most of the time enjoying yourselves talking and eating. 

"So, when do you think you'll be getting back into the big rings?" He asked you.

"Oh, wow, it's been a while, I hadn't even thought about that." You replied honestly.

"Hopefully it won't be too soon, I need to see you kick ass again." You both laughed.

"Well, you do know that I crave the attention, so maybe it will be sooner rather than later."

The two of you spent the whole time laughing at the topics of conversations. You were enjoying your time with Mark and were hopeful that you could do it again.

As you two had both finished eating and we're talking for a bit, you decided it would be best to quickly let Felix know that you and Mark were going to be going home shortly.

"Sorry, I'm just going to head to the bathrooms before we leave." You said whilst standing up.

"Yeah that's fine, I'll be here." He replied.

You went to the bathrooms and opened up your purse to be able to text Felix to leave.

You looked through it but couldn't find your phone, you started to worry that you had no protection if something were to happen and that Felix might get caught. 

Fumbling through your purse, you knew you were taking too long and that Mark would be growing suspicious. 

You stood in front of the mirror and neatened yourself up a bit before taking in a deep breath and heading back out, giving up on finding your phone.

"Hey, you ready to leave?" He asked you when he saw you walking towards him. 

"Yeah, let's go then." You smiled to him.

The two of you headed outside to his car and hopped in. 

After a short while of driving he quickly turned to you. 

"Would you like to come to mine for a drink, it's not too late yet, and I thought, why waste the night." He asked you.

"Yeah, I would love that." You slightly blushed. 

Even though you were extremely comfortable with Mark and you always found yourself smiling around him, he would still have an affect on you that would always cause you to blush.

The two of you drove back to his place with peaceful quiet conversations, and it wasn't long until you reached his house. 

He led you inside, quickly showing you around before he took you to the lounge room. 

The two of you sat down and kept talking for a while, slowly sipping a small glass of alcohol until it got late.

"Hey, it's getting quite late now, do you want to stay the night?" He asked you.

"Are you sure, I don't want to be a burden."

"No, you won't be, but the only thing is that I've only got one bed, you can either take that or the couch if you want, but I would recommend the bed." 

"Oh. Mark, I can't just stay the night and take your bed, I'll just take the couch."

"No way, you are taking the bed no matter what."

"Nope, I'm not, the couch is perfectly fine." You said as you sat down on it.

"Alright, suit yourself then." 

He gave you a one of his shirts to sleep in. You quickly changed into it and then headed to the couch.

"Are you sure you don't want the bed, you won't be comfy on the couch, I'm not going to stop until you take the bed, just to let you know." He walked out to you in only shorts.

"Well it looks like you'll be here a while then." You smiled at him whilst laying down on the couch and shutting your eyes. 

Everything went quiet for a little while, until you heard soft footsteps coming closer to you. 

Before you could open your eyes, you were picked up and put over Mark's shoulder, whilst he carried you to his room. 

He gently placed you on his bed and got in next to you.

"I'm not leaving until you're happy to sleep here." He pulled you closer to him so that he could keep you there.

You turned over to face him, your faces extremely close.

"Well you might just be here for a longer while then." You smiled at him.

"Oh will I now?" He asked you whilst bringing his face closer to yours taunting you with his lips. 

The two of you slowly leaned in together, your lips meeting in the middle. His lips were soft, moving perfectly with yours like they were made for each other. 

Eventually, after some time, the two of you pulled apart, breathing heavily.

He tucked a fallen strand of hair behind your ear, to which, along with the kiss, made you bury your head in his chest trying to hide your blush. 

It wasn't long before the two of you had fallen asleep, drifting off in the warm embrace of his arms.

(word count/939)

an: so sorry this took so long to write, i've been super busy, but i hope you enjoyed.

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