20|You Want Me To What?

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When you were soon to finish up your practise and start putting everything away, Jeogin came down the stairs. 

"Y/N, Chan wants you, he's in his office again, he's called a meeting with all of us."

"Ok thanks, I'll be there in a second." 

You started to pack your stuff up whilst wondering what it could be for. 

When you were done, you quickly neatened yourself up so that you were presentable for everyone. 

You got to the office fairly quickly, taking a seat at the table between Changbin and Minho. 

Not everyone was there yet so those who were already there just sat for a while, talking to each other. 

It wasn't long until the room was full and Chan could start speaking. 

"So, I've just been informed that the gang Ikon have been given information about the exchange happening in a few days. It has been said that their leader wants to have some sort of part in it, whether it be for good or for bad, I don't know." 

He stopped and looked around at everyone for a second to make sure it was clear and that everyone understood. 

"Right, just incase something bad does happen, we all need to prepare and be ready for the worst. Y/N, you'll be joining us, you might be very helpful to us, I'll get you to train with Han. He is a good teacher and can show you how to defend yourself when you need it." Chan said.

"Wait, wouldn't I just use a gun, I am almost perfectly trained with boxing. Surely that's all I need right?" You questioned him.

"Yes, I know, but you might be working closer to Ikon, something might happen to you and just because you know how to box, doesn't mean that you can defend yourself. Anything can happen to you and this is just another safety precaution."

"What do you mean working closer to them, how close?" You wondered.

"You will be face to face with them. You'll have to try and figure out what their deal is with the trade and might possibly have to distract them from the other stuff."

"You'll be fine Y/N, I know it, especially with me helping you." Han reassured you.

"Right, we have a lot to work on, so let's go." Chan said, leaving no room for you to be able to state your concern anymore.

You all got up from your seats and headed out the door. All of you headed down to the training rooms and as you got there Han motioned for you to walk with him into a different room that was extended on from the bigger room.

"Just because it's a bit quieter so you can hear me better and that we would probably get hit by something out there, we'll be practising in here." He casually said to you. 

"Ok cool." You replied. 

"Alright, we need to quickly set up some mats first." He said whilst walking over to a pile of spongy mats that would protect you from the hard ground if you were to fall. 

The two of you had set up all of the mats in no time and were getting warmed up before starting. 

When you were ready he told you how to stand for him to be able to attack you and then to show you how to defend yourself. 

The two of you had been practising for a few hours and he had gotten you fairly up to scratch in many different positions that you could be vulnerable in. 

Although Han had warmed up to you enough so that you two were quite close over time, he still had some sort of awkwardness or strictness about him. You just thought that maybe it could have just been because he was very professional when teaching people. 

You both decided that you would leave it there since you were exhausted from all of the hard work. 

"Good job, you did really well, better than I expected actually." He complimented you. 

"Thank you, I was always good at being attentive so it makes teaching for people easy." 

You picked up the mats and started stacking them in the corner again, making sure the room was clean before you left. 

"So, I'll show you some more tomorrow, but I'll also let other people see how well you're going. You should be fine by the time it's happening, I'm confident that you'll have all you need to know and will be safe when going out there." He explained to you. 

"Ok sounds good." 

You both headed out of the rooms and back up to the house. 

You had a shower to freshen up and then went to the lounge room to chill. 

You hadn't realised how tired you were and decided to shut your eyes for a little while. 

It wasn't long before you had fallen into a deep sleep on the couch, ignoring all of the other sounds around you, getting all of the rest that you needed. 

(word count/842)

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