19|Where Have You Been?

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"Y/N, oh my god, where were you. Why did you not take the phone, I tried to check where you were but it told me your house. I was worried sick, and Chan wasn't happy that I went back to the house without you."

"No, I know. I'm so sorry Lix. I didn't know that I didn't take it. I got until we were about to come home and I tried to text you but I couldn't find it. I was safe though, Mark took me to his and it got too late so I stayed over. I'm fine though, nothing happened to me. You can tell Chan that if he's worrying so much." You explained.

"You can actually tell me yourself." You heard his voice, it was not how it usually was. This time he sounded stressed, tired and most of all angry.

"Come to the house as soon as you can, you're explaining everything."

You were terrified to have to talk to him face to face. You knew that the tone of his voice was nothing compared to his emotions and actions.

You decided to quickly shower and change before you headed to the gang house, wasting as little time as you could. 

After close to five minutes, you had headed out of your house and were mentally preparing for the worst. 

The short drive to the house gave you little time to think everything through, and before long you found yourself at the doorstep raising your hand to knock. 

As you began moving your hand, the door swung wide open with a concerned looking Felix standing there. 

"Be careful, he's extremely stressed right now, I've only ever seen him like this once, and that situation didn't end well." He warned you as he led you to where Chan was. 

As he stopped outside of one of the rooms he motioned for you to go in and that he would stay fairly close outside, just incase something happened.

You lightly knocked on the doors, waiting for a response. 

"It's open." Was all he said. Voice cold leaving no room for joking. 

You slowly opened the doors, peering in before opening it fully. 

As you stepped inside, you had never felt so intimidated by anyone, until now. 

He stood in front of one of the windows behind his desk, arms crossed across his broad chest. 

"Where were you?" He asked as he turned around, making full eye contact with you. 

"I was with Mark, it's fine, he didn't do anything." You said quietly.

"Why didn't you call Felix. He couldn't track you or get in contact with you in any way. You know, I should have guessed it of you. Pretending that you were fine with us, then at your first chance of leaving, you're gone like a flash."

"No it wasn't like that, I didn't mean to leave the phone behind, I only knew that I didn't have it when I went to text Felix about ten minutes before we were leaving. I swear." 

"Why didn't you go back to your house, Felix had been waiting there for hours for you, eventually he called me thinking that something was wrong since you wouldn't answer. Everyone in this house was worried sick about you, we all thought Mark did something." He grew even more furious as the seconds passed. 

"Mark asked me if I wanted a drink since it was early when we left the restaurant, he took me to his and we just talked until it became really late, which both of us didn't plan. He offered that I stay the night and I had to say yes, I had no other way of getting home." 

At your last few words, he immediately stood up and walked over to you, grabbing your wrist and dragging you up. 

"I swear do not let yourself become that vulnerable around him, I know what he's capable of, especially when you're asleep and have no awareness of your surroundings. Did he try to do anything to you, touch you, get too close to you." He asked, looking down at you, concern written all over his face. 

"No the most that happened was us sleeping in the same bed, nothing else happened." You admitted, not wanting to make matters worse, just leaving out the seemingly unnecessary parts. 

He quickly span around, slamming his fist onto his table. 

"He could have done anything to you, a careless mistake like that could get you killed, him of all people are the ones to not get involved with, I don't want you to go near him anymore."

He started to step closer to you, in reaction you stepped backwards trying to avoid him from being able to harm you, a doubt from Felix's words engraved into your mind to be weary of. 

"Chan, you're scaring me." You truthfully said, attempting to get him to stop walking. 

You intently watched him, noting all of his expressions and moves. The second you stated your discomfort, his facial expressions softened. 

"Y/N, you know I wouldn't hurt you, I just care for you too much that I didn't want a simple mistake to harm you or even kill you." He took a final step closer to you, cupping your cheek with his hand. You liked the feeling, he made you feel safe, like nothing bad could happen to you. 

Before anything else could have happened, you quickly regained your posture and stood up straight. 

"I should get going now, I need to work on some shooting, I haven't practised it for a while now." 

"Alright, well if you need me, I'll be in here." He replied. 

You left his office and then headed down to the training rooms, starting your aiming straight away. 

(word count/965) 

StrayKids | BoxerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora