6|Talk When You're Supposed To

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The next morning you woke up alone in your bed. You thought for a bit and then came to the conclusion that last night was just a dream. 

You had a few minutes to yourself before there was a soft knock on your door. 

"Hey Y/N, it's me, can I come in." You heard Felix's voice from the other side of the door. 

"Yeah, sure."

He slowly opened the door stepping closer to your bed. 

"Shove over, I wanna sit."

"Ok what's up." You asked him whilst sliding over in your bed. 

"I was bored so I came up here to talk." 

You nodded at him to tell him to start a conversation.

"Ok I've been wanting to know for a while now, why did you join the government killing people like me but you didn't want to join our gang?" He questioned.

"I don't want gangsters going around, terrorising innocent people, with the government I was able to stop people like that."

"You mean to say you killed other innocent people."

"What no, I was killing those who were dangerous to others, who killed others for fun."

"So you're meaning to say that Bangchan is one of those people. Well let me tell you something, many of those 'gangsters' are innocent like others, they only kill when they are basically forced to and don't kill people for fun, they kill them for their wrong doings." 

"I, you guys don't just kill for fun?" You didn't want to believe that you had killed many more innocents than many gangs did.

"No, we don't, we make sure that what those people did was beyond repairable, they're basically just human scum polluting the world." He informed you calmly.

For once you didn't know what to say, you couldn't form a sentence or think of what to say. 

Felix saw how distraught you were and pulled you into a tight hug. 

"It's ok, you don't work for them anymore. All of that is in your past, you have us now to be able to help you."

"Thank you." Was all you were able to sniffle out.

"How about we go down and get something to eat, I'm starving." 

You nodded your head getting up from your bed. Felix quickly left your room for you to be able to change. 

You got changed into the same clothes that you were wearing the day that you got captured by them. It was a plain black crop top and some high waisted black shorts to go with it. 

Exiting your room you looked around for Felix. You couldn't find him and decided that he had already gone down to the kitchen. 

As you were attempting to navigate yourself to the kitchen, you came across Bangchan and the buff guy from yesterday walking towards you. 

Right when they both saw you, the muscular one lent over and whispered something to Bangchan. In response Bangchan chuckled staring straight at you. 

Upon approaching them you lowered your head not wanting to cause any trouble.

When they were standing in front of you, they stopped walking and caught your arm to stop you as well. 

"So Y/N, how was your sleep last night?" You weren't game enough anymore to look into either of their eyes, now fully believing what happened last night was real and not just your imagination. Not wanting to displease Bangchan, you just kept your head down. What a terrible idea.

Seeing your action as disrespectful, Bangchan grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled it back, causing you to make a slight squeak in pain whilst raising your hand to hold his in attempt to ease the pain in your head and stop him from pulling too hard. 

"You don't want to do that, let go of my hand and this will end out better for you."

You decided that it would be best to listen to him seeing that you were at his mercy, so you slowly took your hand away. 

Just to play with you even more he yanked your hair again.

"You talk when you're supposed to, don't you Changbin?" He said a quick "Yes" to prove his loyalty to the leader.

"Sorry." You quickly replied, wanting to get away from them as soon as you could.

Slightly satisfied with your apology, he let go of your hair, but to make matters worse, he didn't leave the tormenting there. 

"So, a little birdie told me that you talk in your sleep and are scared of thunder." Your mouth dropped open, you looked over to Changbin who had a slight smirk on his face. Leaving it at that they left whilst laughing. The last thing you heard from them was a loud. "YAAH, I'm not that little."

You were left standing there with your mouth open because of your personal details being spread in the gang. 

Eventually shrugging it off you continued heading to the kitchen.

(word count/824)

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