11|He's a What?

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When you had all gotten back home and had all freshened up with a shower you all agreed on watching a movie and ordering in some food. 

You got changed into some comfy bed clothes and headed down stairs to the lounge room. 

As you got there only a few of them were sitting on the couches, the others more than likely still getting ready after their showers.

You decided to go and get a few blankets and pillows for everyone just incase they needed it. 

Instead of sitting on one of the couches you decided to lay down on the floor and bring a blanket and pillow to snuggle into. 

With the comfort of your blanket you slowly drifted off to sleep not realising how tired you were. 

A short while after falling asleep you were woken up again by Felix calling your name and jumping over you and pulling some of your blanket onto him as well. 

You all decided on a movie and started to watch it. Roughly halfway through the movie, someone paused it. 

"Is anyone else getting hungry, because I'm starving." Woojin spoke up.

"Yeah I could do with some food." Jisung said. 

"Alright let's order." Chan said standing up. 

You all decided on having pizza since it was the quickest to get to you. 

When it arrived you paused the movie again and sat and ate it whilst having quiet conversations between the ten of you.  

You quickly glanced around the table watching each of their faces as they were laughing and having fun like family. When your gaze met Minho it reminded you that you had many other people who you talked to daily before getting caught. One of them being Mark. 

When there was a stop in conversation you decided to ask. 

"Hey Minho, have you spoken to Mark. He would be wondering where I am since I see him like every day."

"Don't stress about him, I told him that you were really sick and couldn't come in, I can possibly take you to see him again but it won't be my promise."

"How come, I want to see him as soon as I can. He's probably worried sick about me and the least I could do is speak to him in person." You whined.

"Y/N, you might not go back that often possibly even ever. Mark's not the person who you see each day, he's a violent man and is quite dangerous." Minho warned you.

"What, you mean dangerous enough that I can beat him in the ring?" You laughed

"Y/N, there's a lot of stuff about Mark that you don't know about." Chan said with a serious tone. 

"Like what?" You realised and stopped joking.

"He's in our rivalling gang."

You didn't understand how Mark, the most friendliest and caring person that you knew, was in a gang. He was always patient and gentle and never seemed as though he would hurt anyone. 

"H-how do you know that?"

"He and his gang have attempted to attack many people that we know, they've even tried to attack our warehouse which we don't give anyone the location of for that reason."

"If he is in a threatening gang attempting to kill you, why does Minho go to his training sessions almost every day? He's just walking into danger."

"That's the thing, not every gang knows the other gang's members. Minho is one that they have never seen with us, they don't know about half of our members and the same applies to us about them." Chan was happy to inform you about everything.

"I was willing to risk my life to get more information about their gang, I was always hoping that he would let me in on some things but he never budges, he's always extremely careful about what he says." Minho spoke up able to explain his situation to you in a slightly clearer way since you both knew Mark.

"Well why not try to get even closer with him, try for something outside of the training hours, you never know, it could let you in on a bit more about him and his gang."

"I've tried to before but he's not always welcoming of training partners entering his house, plus he told me that he wasn't gay, he actually accused me of trying to get with him but we cleared all of that up." He slightly laughed.

"Oh, that's nice, are you!" You joked with him. 

You all laughed at that and then decided to continue with the movie since you had all finished eating. 

The movie finished shortly and you all started to move for bed. 

To make it easier for everyone else you decided to pack up the blankets and put them on the couches. 

It wasn't long before you were done and then you headed upstairs.

Just before you got to your door Chan came out of his room. 

"Hey Y/N I was just going to speak to you."

"Yeah, go ahead." 

"I thought about it and if you want I can get Minho to take you to see Mark, it would let him not have to worry about you anymore and you would be able to catch up with him again." He spoke quietly.

"Well after what you guys told me I feel like I've been lied to, plus if he is really how dangerous you say he is then I don't know if it's the safest thing."

"I'm sure you'll be fine, look at you and Minho now, you said that you two were like siblings, just because you're now in my gang, doesn't mean that he is going to attack you, as we said before, he barely knows any of my members, just like I don't know many of his but I definitely know his leader. Tell you what, I'll let you sleep on it but I think you should go, you sound like you were close to him and that he would miss you."

"Ok, I'll think about it."

"Ok good to hear, goodnight."


You both headed back into your rooms shutting the doors quietly. 

You climbed into bed thinking about what he said.

You did miss Mark an awful lot and you had been desperate to see him, but now that you had the chance to see him you were having second thoughts.

You shrugged it off and went to bed deciding to leave the choice till the morning. 

(word count/1070)

a/n: I am soooooo sorry it has been so long since I've written, I've just been so busy. I've been writing this over a few days and finally finished today. The same might happen with more chapters ahead, a lot of them might take a while for me to write but they will eventually come so don't worry. Hope you enjoyed :)

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