10|Training Time

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When you had finally packed up all of your new clothes and put them away Chan told you that he and the rest of the boys would take you to training.  

You pulled out your training clothes and changed into them walking out when you had finished to see Chan and Felix waiting for you.

"Right, you ready?" Chan asked.

"Yeah, let's go."

They walked you out to a car outside and you noticed none of the other boys there.

"The others went in different cars so they might already be there." Chan said to the two of you.

You all hopped into the car and headed off down the road. The drive there wasn't too long and in no time you were in the building. 

Looking around taking in the place you noted how nice it was. Considering they're a gang you would expect it to be shabby and slightly run down, but instead it was immaculate and clean.

"Hey where are any toilets, I'll just quickly go before we start."

"Go straight down that corridor and the last left you'll find them." Felix guided you.

"Ok, I'll be quick."

You walked down the hallway to the toilets quickly finishing and neatening yourself up in the mirrors.

When you got back you followed the way that you had come and then turned the way that Chan and Felix had walked. You arrived at a set of doors that led you to a big open room.

Before you opened them you heard Bangchan talking. 

"Ok we'll be doing boxing first, be careful with her, she's a hard hitter and won't hold back if you ask for it. Right let's warm up."

Before they started stretching a phone started ringing. 

"I'll get it." A slightly familiar voice said.

You opened the doors to walk through after hearing that they were going to start.

As you walked in your eyes met with those that you had once called your brother. 

You couldn't believe that he was in a gang and you hadn't ever noticed. 

"Minho?" You quietly called as you were frozen in place. 

He didn't respond and gave you a faint smile before checking the phone for who was calling.

"It doesn't matter, they can wait." He said to the others.

You all had eventually warmed up and were ready to begin training. 

"Ok we're going to start with a bit of boxing, who's going first?" Chan called.

"Y/N show them what you've got." Minho finally spoke to you. 

You stepped up into the ring and waited for who was going to verse you. 

"Lee Know, I see you and Y/N know each other, let's see what you two can do."

"Just like the old times." He said to you as he stepped into it as well.

"Yeah, just like those times where I bet you every time."

"Oh shut up." You both laughed and began fighting. As per usual his strength was almost unmatchable but his tactics still lacked. He hit you many times but you didn't let that stop you.

You kept fighting back and eventually got him in a headlock. It wasn't long before he pulled you off him and threw you to the ground. He walked over to you to keep fighting, but you quickly ended it when you kicked him where the sun don't shine and he collapsed to the ground.  

"Ooh, dirty player, feisty, I like it." You heard Changbin say causing everyone to laugh. 

You had trained with each of them until you got to Chan.

"I'll go a bit easier on you this time." He smirked at you.

"There's no need to, I can handle it." You confidently replied back.

"Ok, you asked for it." 

The two of you had been fighting for a while, he had hit you hard in the stomach which you were sure would leave a bruise. You noticed that he was extremely strong like Minho and remembered how similar in fighting they were, but Chan knew when you were catching onto him.

At one point he had you trapped on the ground and you couldn't move, but as he moved his hand to change his position you took the opportunity to hit him in the stomach and then his face.

He rolled to his stomach clutching it in pain.

"What are your fists made of, bricks?" 

"Nah, just something I like to call tactical payback. Now I understand why you and Minho have the same fighting styles if you're always training together." 

After you had all recovered from the boxing you moved onto the guns. 

"Ok Y/N, since you've never trained with us, what we do with the guns, which are my specialty, is we do some target practise and then when we have all finished our turns with that we all test ourselves with a fun little game of laser tag." Seungmin was the one to speak this time as he was usually more quiet. 

They had put me first again since they all wanted to see how good I was at each section. 

I had missed the target only once or twice but the rest of the times I either hit it in the head or the heart.

"Damn, she's good at everything." You heard Jeongin's voice. 

When everyone had had their turns at the shooting, you all got ready for the laser tag. 

The game was fun not only did you have to be a quick shooter, but also quick on your feet. You had managed to dodge many times but you eventually got stuck in between the paths of Chan and Han. You had no ways out and if you were to shoot one of them the other could always shoot you before you got to them. 

As you lifted your gun to shoot it reminded you of when you first got caught. 

"Looks like your in a bit of a pickle again with your gun." Han joked.

"Yeah I won't make that mistake again." You hid further into the boxes that were surrounding you. 

You were about to pull the trigger on Han but before you could Jeongin had already got him. As you had your mind busy on Han you forgot about Chan. He saw you distracted and used that as an opportunity to get you out. 

You were roughly in the middle of the line of people who had gone out so at least you weren't the first. 

When you had finished your training you all mucked around and relaxed for the rest of the day.

"Hey, Y/N, you did well today. I was surprised when Chan said that you were valuable but now I understand, your abilities are amazing." Jeongin awed at you.

"Thank you, I'm glad to hear that I'm not useless to you guys."

"You would never be." Chan spoke up showing his never ending faith in you.

(word count/1152)

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