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I glanced towards the front of the line, there was still 5 people in front of me before I would get to the serving area. Perfect. I wanted to get to know Cleo- erm Margo.

"I just got here last night. How long you been here?" I asked Margo, trying to be casual.

She raised an eyebrow, "3 years. How long were you sentenced here?"

"5 years," I replied, letting it roll off my tongue. I still couldn't believe I would be stuck in this shit hole for 5 whole years.

She nodded slowly,

"I don't know how long I'll be here yet, depends on my progress, so they say. They won't be able to fix me," she blew air out of her cheeks and rolled her eyes, "but for real it's not all bad here. Some of the guards are hot and I love some older dick," she whispered the last part to me and then winked.

Oh damn. A straight girl. Fuck.

"Oh shit, I just figured everyone around here was eating pussy because...I mean that's the only option," I said and clacked my teeth together.

She raised her eyebrows at me again and stepped closer,

"I mean I do whatever I want to. But I'm very picky with girls, ya know?" She winked at me, leaving me blushing, then she busted out laughing, "oh and you should probably move up, it's our turn."

I turned back to face the front and she was right, I hadn't been paying attention to the line at all. I briskly walked forward as one of the cafeteria workers looked at me with a scowl.

"Pork or chicken?" She asked.

I cleared my throat, "I'm a vegan. Neither," I said and looked down at the buckets of food, reviewing what I could eat. They had green beans and corn.

"Give me those, the veggies. That's all I want. I'll get this straightened out for tomorrow," the lady rolled her eyes and gave me the vegetables,

"They monitor your intake here sugar, don't be getting into trouble over some fucking diet."

Some fucking diet. I had been a vegetarian or vegan my entire life. I was raised that way. She didn't understand.

Margo walked up behind me,

"Pork or chicken Margo?" The lady asked.

"Neither preferably, but both will make me fat as hell soooo fuck it. Smallest piece of chicken you have with no skin please, I owe you one," the cafeteria worker gave her a smile and did actually search to give her the smallest non skinned piece in the serving bin. I guess being here 3 get to know people.

I walked out of the serving area and turned towards Olivia's table, she was looking at me eagerly. To my surprise, Margo walked up beside me and tugged on my arm, she followed my gaze and giggled,

"No. Sit with me?"

I turned back towards Olivia's table where she was still staring at me and motioned that I was sitting with Margo, Olivia shrugged and looked disappointed. I would talk to her later about this.

I sat with Margo at a table where it was just us. I was surprised she didn't sit with people because she was seriously drop dead gorgeous, I would assume most people wanted in her pants..and I already thought she was pretty funny too. She reminded me of Cleo and it made my heart ache.

"I'm surprised you sit alone," I said as I picked at my vegetables.

She picked at her food too, "accidentally" dropped it on the floor casually.

She looked up at me,

"I'm fucking crazy. No one wants to sit with me. What's your name anyway?"


"That's your real name?"

I nodded and chewed. If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me that.

"I like Billie for a girl, hot."

My name was hot to her. Fuck yeah.

We didn't talk much the rest of the meal, I watched her pick at and get rid of her food but tried not to mention it. She was beautiful and definitely not fat but I'm sure talking about it was a sensitive subject.

I saw a guard walk up behind her, he was young and buff. Had arm tattoos and a 5 o'clock shadow. She grabbed her shoulders and whispered in her ear lowly,

"Hey princess, made a new friend while I was gone?" He asked.

She smiled a huge smile and turned towards him,

"This is Billie," she put her hand out, presenting me. I waved to him and he nodded towards me.

"Wanna go play?" He asked Margo, she nodded and gave me a quick goodbye wave and wink.

I was jealous. I was so jealous.

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - Forced 2 - Insane.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat