Visiting Margo.

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"Can we go see Margo before we leave?...I just know she doesn't have anyone else," I asked Cleo, and her face dropped.

Reluctantly, she responded, "Sure."

"What's wrong?" I asked her. She didn't even know Margo, what did she have against her?

"Do you have feeling for this girl? Because Olivia said that she was using you for sex."

My mouth hung open slightly in disbelief. How the fuck did Cleo even know Olivia? Did she know I fucked Olivia?

"C- I never had sex with Margo. I swear," I responded and put my hands up.

She nodded slowly, "What about Olivia?"

I clenched my teeth slightly and gave her a guilty look, I didn't need to respond for her to know that I did.

She nodded her head slowly again and hummed, "I couldn't even think about touching someone else. I don't know how you do it."

She was right. She was always right, and she always gave me better than I deserved.

"...But I'm glad it's in the past now. We can go see your friend and then 100% fucking loyalty after this, agreed? I don't even want you kissing another girl Billie. I will leave you again if you do. I can't handle it anymore. I'm crazy about you and it breaks me when you do shit like that to me," she looked me in my eyes and I knew she meant it, she would drop my ass. I wasn't going to do that to her again anyway.

"I won't baby, I promise. We are different now. I love you," I leaned in and kissed her lips sweetly, she put her hand behind my neck and deepened the kiss, I felt her smile. We pulled away and she said,

"I missed that so fucking much."


We walked to Margo's room, room 522 - per the secretary. Cleo held my hand even though it began to sweat. I didn't know Margo for long but I knew that she was one of the only true friends I had ever had in my life. She saw something in me no one had seen, and she protected me.

Margo was depending on a machine to breathe for her. She was pale and cold to touch. She didn't open her eyes or respond at all when I spoke to her. It immediately brought tears to my eyes.

I had heard in passing that the guards had knocked Margo's head off of the floor really hard and she had lost consciousness, then had a seizure. I don't think anyone knew to turn a person on their side during a seizure. Olivia whispered as I got stabbed that "Margo is blue now."

I sat beside her and held her hand anyway, and spoke to her softly. Cleo knew I needed some privacy and stood outside the room waiting for me.

"I'm so sorry Margo - I wish it was me. You don't deserve this. You only suggested us leaving because you knew Olivia was going to kill me...Jesus. What I wouldn't do for a friend like you. I hope you get better and I hope we can still be friends. I hope you forgive me," I choked out in between sobs.

Margo's left pointer finger twitched. I felt like she heard me and that made me feel better. I spoke with her for a few more minutes before a couple nurses came in,

"We need to do some care on her, can you come back and visit another time?" I nodded and walked outside the room and into Cleo's arms. She held and rocked me, running her fingers through my hair. When I was done being a soft bitch I pulled back and interlocked my fingers with hers,

"Ready to go home?" She asked.

I was fucking ready.

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - Forced 2 - Insane.Where stories live. Discover now