Margo's POV.

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I had been reading through these crazy bitches files for years and years, but I had never shown anyone my access, until now. Billie was different. She wasn't a bad person, her pain that she inflicted was out of love and I understood that. It's the same reason I pushed people out of my life...out of love.

Her eyes widened as she read through the charts. She really shouldn't have fucked with Olivia. I shouldn't have either, but just like Billie - I didn't know how crazy Olivia was until I read her shit. I had told Billie too late. I felt a little bit guilty for that, I should have known that Olivia had no self control. She couldn't keep someone as beautiful as Billie as just a friend.

I didn't blame Billie for fucking Olivia. She was a knockout. Her body was perfect, she was so tempting, even when she was acting like a nutcase, but I was past sex..for once in my life. I had fucked so many people that I didn't even feel connected when I did fuck somebody, it was just a method of payment to get what I wanted anymore. That's why I never tried to fuck Billie. I wanted to be her friend. I wanted us to have something that was not based around sex like every single relationship I had before had been focused on.

I told billie I hadn't read her chart, but I had. I was honestly a little bit jealous. She loved someone so much that she almost killed them...out of love. I had never loved anyone, and unlike most people I understood her decisions, I felt like I understood what was going through her head when she almost killed Cleo. She wasn't thinking right, her heart was thinking. I saw they were going to do forced conversion therapy on Billie and my mind instantly snapped back to autumn.

Another patient named autumn was the closest to someone I had ever had feelings for in a long long time. She was a lesbian. She had some problems, but her heart was pure. It was like Billie's heart. They did forced conversion therapy on autumn and it got her out of here and into the real world. She was convincing. She played the part but came to visit me after she was discharged. Then she killed herself without even saying goodbye. I knew I had to intervene before Billie ended up like autumn.

Billie had said something to me about my chart but I was too busy thinking to hear her, so instead I hopped down off of Dr. Dove's desk and crouched to level with Billie,

"You don't want that conversion therapy do you? Billie it will ruin you. I've seen it ruin other people and...." I felt myself starting to tear up, her eyes darted to mine and then followed the tear the flowed down my left cheek. Billie dropped my chart and stood up, placing both hands on my shoulders,

"You good, Margo?"

I nodded as she dropped her shoulders to my waist lightly.

"Ya know Billie. We could get out of here. We could. I know the way out."

She stared at me and I felt it, energy that I hadn't felt in a long time. I was her temporary Cleo and she was my temporary Autumn. I leaned in and kissed her lips lightly, then pulled back, not wanting to do anything else.

"I think we should leave. Can we do it tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow." I confirmed.

Author's Note- yes I know everyone is kissing and fucking, sorry ya girl is a hoe. Also if my girlfriend keeps talking about her sorority for one more minute I may lose my remaining brain cells and not be able to finish this book. Prayers 😂

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - Forced 2 - Insane.Where stories live. Discover now