Group Therapy.

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I sat in one of the uncomfortable plastic seats in a big circle like I had seen in movies. A lady in a white coat sat across from me and other girls in mandated gray outfits filled the remaining seats. There were no seats left beside each other so Olivia was 5 seats away. I still felt a lot less alone because she was there though.

The lady in the white coat began to speak,

"OKAY EVERYONE - I am Dr. Dove. I am a psychiatrist here and I will be leading group therapy. I see there are several new faces and I want to get right down to the problems you girls have faced, we are going to go around and introduce ourselves and explain why we are will feel relieved getting it out in the open."

Somehow I didn't think that. Who the fuck wanted to be friends with someone that almost killed their girlfriend? I glanced at Olivia nervously, she had kept me grounded. I had told her everything already so..I guess that's all that matters. She would still be my friend no matter what.

The door busted open and a giggly Margo walked in,

"Sorry Doc, ya to take care of," she sat sloppily on the only seat left open in the circle and winked at the Dr. who looked both unamused and not surprised.

"We were just about to introduce ourselves and explain why we're here, care to start Margo?"

"Uh sure. Whatever. I'm Margo. I was arrested for aggravated assault and manslaughter. So they called me crazy and locked me up in this bitch," Margo shrugged.

"Language Margo. Care to explain how you got this charge? And any other diagnosis you have gotten?"

"I'm fucking anorexic yes. You all know already. Jesus we have to talk about that? And no Dr. Dove I do not care to explain how I killed someone, NEXT."

Dr. Dove raised her eyebrows and opened her mouth to say something, they closed it and moved onto the next girl.

Most of the girls were there for manslaughter, assault, murder, robbery, drug use and even some prostitution. No one had kidnapped anyone yet though. Except me.

When Dr. Dove got to me she nodded my direction,

"Hey I'm Billie. I had a girl that I really liked and kidnapped at one point then we fell in love and were open about us being together. I met her family and shit. But I had some anger problems and ended up hurting her. So now I'm here with an attempted murder charge," everyone was quiet.

Dr Dove spoke up,

"Thank you for being open with us Billie. Have you spoken to the girl since?"

"Just once. She seems to have forgiven me. She actually is the one that suggested I get help here instead of prison, in court," I wasn't about to tell her that she is coming to visitation tomorrow. Fuck that.

Dr. Dove smiled, "Thank you Billie."

I zoned out for more of the girls stories until Dr. Dove reached Olivia who was biting her nails nervously. Even after all the shit we talked about...she never did tell me why she was here.

"Pass please. I can't. I'm sorry. I'm Olivia."

Dr. Dove surprisingly nodded and continued on. So Olivia didn't have to talk but the rest of us did? I wonder what she did. It must have been really bad.

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - Forced 2 - Insane.Where stories live. Discover now