Episode CLEO'S POV.

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I had found a loophole. I had figured out how to get Billie out. I was going to fix everything. I loved her and missed her so much it was impossible to explain to someone else, but in that letter she had written me...I saw the old Billie. The love of my life was still there and still loved me, and here I was worrying about Noah's dumbass... all while Billie was locked away. I hoped she would forgive me one day.

I put on my nicest pantsuit with heels and got into my car. I needed to prove to them that Billie was good. I had full intentions of taking her home with me today. I pulled my car into the eery old church looking building that had grown familiar and checked to make sure I had my ID before I walked in.

"Hello Miss, May I help you?" one of the guards asked as I walked into the front entrance. I pushed my ID under his nose.

"Yes I need to speak to Sister Sarah, please. I had an appointment."

He pointed me to a nearby armchair to wait in while he made her aware. It was only  about three minutes before a door creaked open slowly and the nun stepped out,

"Welcome, Miss Thomas. Please, do come in."

I followed her lead and saw a gorgeous older woman in a white lab coat and dress clothes already sitting in the room. Was she a physician? Oh. Maybe Billie's psychiatrist?

Sister Sarah walked around her desk and sat down, I followed by sitting in be empty chair beside white coat woman.

"This is Dr. Dove, she has been the psychiatrist evaluating and determining Billie's care while here," Sister Sarah said briskly as she waved her arm towards the white coat woman.

Dr. Dove smiled and stuck her hand out,

"Pleased to meet you Miss Thomas, I have heard so many things about you from Billie. She seems to think you're the best thing that has ever happened to her," Dr. Dove smiled. Her comment warmed my heart.

Sister Sarah cleared her throat and proceeded, "Your purpose of this visit was to see if Billie qualified for early discharge with constant psychiatric home care, in which you were willing to pay for privately?"

I nodded my head. The care was expensive as fuck but I had made a lot of money as a rep for Calvin Klein and I got my money upfront from my Victoria's Secret Angel contract. I could afford it, if it meant getting Billie out of here again.

I looked towards Dr. Dove to see her reaction, her face remained unchanged. Poker face.

"I think that may be an option for Billie, according to my standard of care. Especially considering the episode today..." Dr. Dove trailed off and broke eye contact with me, looking at Sister Sarah. Whatever it was, it must not be Dr. Dove's place to tell me.

"What episode?" I asked Sister Sarah.

"Well, Billie is actually no longer here. She is at the nearby hospital being treated for some minor injuries."

"From what?"

"Her and another girl attempted to escape today, the guards had to use all means possible to stop them, including hurting them as needed. Unfortunately, the other girl will most likely not survive."

Sister Sarah's face stared blankly at me.

I stood up, "I want the papers to discharge her from this facility right fucking now. I want her belongings right fucking now. She will never come back here!"

Sister Sarah gritted her teeth,

"Very well, dear. Dr. Dove will sign off on Billie's treatment at home as we discussed. Robert will you lead Miss Thomas to Miss Eilish's room to collect her things?"

Robert, the guard standing in the doorway nodded. I stood up and followed him, before briefly turning back towards Dr. Dove,

"Thank you for working with Billie," I said quietly, she smiled at me and I saw a sparkle in her eye. I really do think she cared about the girls here, but the nuns didn't seem to give a flying fuck if they got beat up by guards and ended up hospitalized. Fucking nuns.

I followed Robert down a long hallway, passing by several two bed - per room dorms. Robert stopped and put his arm out towards a cracked open door,

"Here you go, Miss Thomas. I'll wait out here."

I opened the door and was surprised to see a beautiful and tan green eyed girl on the left bed, she was reading but immediately sat up when I walked in.

"Holy shit, Margo does look like you," she muttered.


She cleared her throat and shook her head like she regretted saying anything,

"Billie just always said that another girl here looked like her ex, she was right. You guys look alike."

I sat on the adjacent bed,

"So you and Billie were roommates? That's great news, I'm Cleo...I guess you knew that. How has she been doing? Did you notice an improvement?"

The pretty girl broke eye contact from her book once again to give me a glare,

"If you call fucking someone til they shook and then never talking to them again an improvement, then I guess so. She's a heartless bitch. She had the nerve to try to escape with Margo, who probably is just using her for sex. You don't know half the shit that has gone down here sister," she paused and gave me a half smile, "but if I were you I would take your pretty little model ass home and pretend I never met Billie."

This girl seemed so agitated, I didn't want to push her. I quietly packed Billie's things and exited the room, before I left I waved to her slightly, she responded with,

"She might fuck me good but she's obsessed with you. Just watch yourself."

Nothing I didn't already know.

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - Forced 2 - Insane.Where stories live. Discover now