Margo's Chart.

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I sat there in disbelief. They can make me fuck a guy? Seriously? That was allowed?

I was a ward of the state I guess. And who would they believe? Not me.

I couldn't fuck a guy. I would vomit. I had always been gay. I always would be. Jesus. I looked up at Margo, who slapped her chart in front of me.

"I know you're wondering, so go ahead. One more chart before we hit the hay, huh?"

I looked down at the cover,

Margo Black, 19. Confidential File.

-Sex Addiction

Examples from therapy sessions:

-Multiple risky sexual encounters- caught with other patients and guards.
-Low food intake.
-Patient bribing kitchen staff to give her less food.
-Patient seen weighing self several times a day.
-Purposely dropping food and/or bribing other students to eat food for her, sometimes using sex as a form of payment
-Patient's admits to porn use as well as masturbating "at least 5 times a day".

Psych H&P

Margo was a competitive dancer that struggled with anorexia for years. Despite this, patient has an extremely high IQ and is a perfectionist. She does not follow rules. She has sexual relationships that are extremely inappropriate with both staff and other patients. She identifies as bisexual. Patient has previously had issues with drug addiction and participated in prostitution to support said addiction. Per patient "I only snorted cocaine to stay skinny."

Plan of Care:

Staff will continue to monitor intake and discourage patient from inappropriate sexual activity. Patient will most likely be discharged on mood stabilizers with extensive outpatient therapy.

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