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Olivia had clearly been avoiding me the entire day. She was polite and smiled, waved, etc. but she didn't wait for me at the entrance of the cafeteria like she usually did, she sat far away from me in group therapy when there was a seat open right beside me and she didn't come back to our room during our free time. We always spent our free time together...but I deserved it.

I got into the line to get my tray and was daydreaming when I heard a voice,

"Yo. Billie? What's up? Why aren't you and Liv being ass buddies anymore?"


I sighed and said,

"I don't know what you're talking about. She's just been busy today."

Margo raised an eyebrow,

"Let me level with you...homegirl has been acting like I'm the plague for weeks...then all of the sudden comes to my room during free time crying and begging me to fuck her. I mean...I'm not complaining," Margo put her hands in the air, "but...seems like something happened."

She was definitely prying for more information but I just gave her the summary,

"I fucked everything up. What else is new?"

Margo nodded,

"I can fully fucking relate. Wanna sit with me? She needs her space. I've made her this way before too...she will snap out of it. Just takes time."

I nodded, she had known her a lot longer than I had. Olivia and I were roommates but we had never even had a disagreement before.

We got our trays, Margo already bargaining with the lunch ladies to serve her smaller quantities and sat down at a table alone.

Olivia didn't even look my way.

"Can I ask you something?" Margo asked, as she dropped her food on the floor discreetly.

I chewed and nodded, "Sure Margo. Hit me with it."

"Why do you always stare at me? You just wanna fuck me or do I remind you of someone?"

This bitch was so fucking cocky, but I'll give it to her; she was direct too.

"The second one," I said.


"Someone I loved. But you're not her. I realized that quickly," I responded.

Margo pretended to be stabbed in the chest dramatically,

"Ouch that hurt! What happened with her? Is she the reason Olivia is mad at you?"

I sighed. So much for a quiet lunch. I should have known Margo would ask me a million questions. She loves to fucking talk.

"Okay Margo since you're dying to know because low key you love Olivia and Olivia wants you, but you're too much of a pussy to commit to anything...my ex that is your doppelgänger visited yesterday, I found out she fucked someone else when we aren't even together...so I have no reason to be mad but I'm crazy, so I flipped the fuck out and probably scared her so badly that she will never talk to me again. So...I needed a distraction and basically used Olivia for sex and some sort of a connection with another human, when I woke up with her in my bed this morning I realized it was a mistake and she knew how I felt, because she knows everything. Now she won't talk to me because I'm the worst friend in the world. End story."

Margo stared at me blankly. There was a heavy silence as she actually chewed a bite of her vegetables, for once.

"I'm going to come get you after hours tonight. Be ready."

"What the fuck? For what? Where can we even go?"

She looked around frantically, guards were nearby and seemed like they were eavesdropping- or trying to...probably because Margo was always in trouble.

"I'll explain then, K?"

I nodded.

A Billie Eilish Fanfic - Forced 2 - Insane.Where stories live. Discover now