Chapter 13, Choose

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Blake's POV

My arm is throbbing. The pain is intense but I can deal with it once I get out of here. I begin chewing my ropes around my hands, I manage to get them loose. Idiots. Rope can't destroy me. I remove my hands from the ropes and begin walking out of the basement. I don't hear anything so I assume that everybody is in bed. I hear a thump so I be quiet and keep my ears peeled. 

I walk up the basement stairs and through the basement door. I look around and the only light is the light from the kitchen. 

I keep walking until I see Mia's room. I see her and a guy in the bed with her. I walk into the room and go up next to her and watch her sleep. I creep over to her bed trying to be as silent as possible. I get close to her and plan my revenge. I see a gun on her bedside table and I grab it. 

She opens her eyes and looks at me straight in the eyes for a few seconds. 

"Ethan?" She says shutting her eyes again. Um, what just happened? Should I reply? Fuck it I'm gonna do it. 

"Yeah what's up?" I say trying to whisper so she doesn't recognize my voice. "Nothing." She replies.

"Ok, come with me, we can go and get a massage, " I say. "OoOooh massage, carry me though because I am lazy." She says with her eyes closed as I pick her up and take her to the shed outside. She opens her eyes and looks up at me. She quickly realizes I'm not Ethan or whatever his name was. She starts scrambling around and she looks like she is about to scream. I quickly cover her mouth and carry her out of the house.

She is still squirming around in my arms so I rush her to the garage. I squeeze both her hands behind her back and smash her head in the wall. That'll shut her up.

 I then tied her hands with some rope and put her in a chair. She wakes up again and looks at me. She asks me why I am doing this and stuff. 

"I don't wanna kill you so pick anyone else in the house to die. She looks at me with horror. I pull out my gun and threaten her. "You need to choose someone or else it will be you!" I say yelling slightly. 

"OK, OK, I CHOOSE.." She says as she tells me who she chooses to kill. She starts crying. 

"They are all going to hate me now you know, and they will probably kill me themselves, why are you like this? why do you have to kill someone? Does it please you to kill people? Do you feel good about yourself once you have done it? Do you feel like you have accomplished something? Reached a fucking goal?" She says crying. 

"Well I guess I get a sense of excitement out of it, I'll have fun killing him, It's thrilling to do," I say calmly.

 "I can't believe you're going to kill him! He is only a baby!" She says angrily hysterically crying. 

"Shut up I can do what I want!" I say slapping her across the face. Dumb bitch. 

I leave the shed and head back towards the house. I go through all of the rooms looking for the nursery. I reach the room that has a baby cot in it. I see the bed has been used. I feel the sheet to see if it is warm. It is. Warm, and damp.I hear a baby cooing coming my way. I quickly look for a place to hide. I look in the cupboard but they are all shelves. 

I go underneath the cot and hide there, waiting for my victim to come in. I hear Felicity's voice cooing at the baby. Goddammit, I have to kill two people tonight. Oh well. I get my knife out of my pocket and wait for her to put the baby back into the cot. She walks over to the cot and places the baby in. This is my chance.

 I slash at her ankle with my knife, cutting it open. I see the blood coming out of her leg, she is crying and trying to scream but she is too winded and shocked to scream. I quickly climb out from underneath the cot and continue whipping my knife around in the dark. I hear whimpers in the corner. I make my way over to the corner but then the stupid baby starts crying. I hear another noise near the door. BANG. Shit! I'm bleeding.

 I feel pressure take over my whole body. I feel the blood rapidly escaping from my veins and filtering onto the floor. I feel my lungs collapse and my breath stops. My whole body goes tense. I lay there on the floor bleeding out. Suffocating. I watch a blonde guy with blue eyes come over to me. He watches me bleed out on the ground. 

"Now you will stay away." He says I try to reply but no words come out. I feel my body shut down. My heart stops and my brain pauses. I see black. Memories of my childhood come flowing through my mind. I watch as Katelyn and I build a snowman and I wrap my mum's scarf around its neck. I watch us strawberry picking in the strawberry farm fields. I see Katelyn crying when she fell off of her bike and scraped her knee. I watch as she nervously looks at me and kisses me. 

Then my mind goes black.

Aiden's POV

I think I hear screams. They stop. I sit up in my bed and look at Jess. She is sleeping. Like an angel sent from heaven. I get up and throw a shirt on, I walk out of our room and see a guy taking Mia outside into the shed. He has a black hoodie on so I can't see his face. I feel the need to do something. I quickly but quietly slip through the door and follow the guy to the shed. They enter the shed and I hear him doing something in there to her. 

I put my ear up against the door and I hear them talking. He is saying that she needs to kill someone. I hear her crying. I hope he isn't doing anything bad to her. I hear him say that he is going to kill the baby. LEVI! I hear a loud slap and then footsteps. The door handle twists and I quickly hide around the side of the shed. I watch as he goes inside the house. I need to stop this. I quickly make my way inside once the coast is clear.

I head to my room first to make sure Jess is ok. She is fine. Thank god. I go through the house searching for him. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs so I quickly go down the basement stairs. I head down to see if Blake is still there. He isn't. He must have escaped. I grab the gun out from the wall hidden behind a photo frame and head back up the stairs. I listen for any noises but I don't hear anything. 

I open the door and go through all of the rooms, I look in all of our rooms. I hear loud crying nearby, and I quickly make my way towards the baby's room. I slowly put my head around the corner watch Blake walk around the darkroom with a knife I his hand. I grab my gun out of my pocket and aim it at him. BANG. It hits him in his stomach. He stands still and freezes. I watch the knife drop from his hand. He falls to his knees. I approach him and look him in the eyes. 

"Now you will stay away," I say to him. Meaning that he will not go near anyone and he will not touch anyone or kill them.

Once I watch him die I quickly make my way over to Felicity's side and comfort her. I turn the light on next to her on the wall and look at her bloody ankle. Luckily it isn't that deep. It only needs a few stitches. Luckily I'm a doctor so I can patch it up for her. I give her a baby sock to put on it and tell her to keep pressure on it. I then watch Josh rush into the room. He looks at the dead body laying lifeless on the ground but forgets about it when he sees Felicity. 

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