Chapter 34, Ready, Set, Run

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Elijah's POV

Ok ok ok this is actually the best news ever, we just got informed that the cure is 95 percent working so now we're going to go find a few beaches to lure a few zombies in and test it on them and hope they turn into humans. The road is pretty steep heading down to this beach. We're not going to the private beach Jess and Taylor went too, we're trying to find a public beach cause when Taylor was a Zombie that's where most zombies were found.

"Do you think Feli can handle Ally on her own? She hasn't had any experience yet." I say nervously. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. Usually I'm chill about this stuff but we're gonna save the world! Us! It's almost hard to believe.

"Yes I'm sure, she knows what she's doing." Josh answers back. I can't really back chat his girl so I'll let it slide. Oh! Here we are. Shit. It's a mess, everyone just looks so...dead? Nothing looks the same anymore.

We get out of the car and see the girls come out behind us, we hid our cars behind a bunch of trees cause we're not idiots who put them out in public.

"Where are Jess and Taylor?" Katelyn ask's giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Their hiding somewhere waiting for us to say the word then they will shoot these zombies down!" Dezi expresses pretending to hold a fake gun.

"They said she's gonna use us as bait that's why Elijah bought his Dj set to cause noise and bring out the zombies then Jess and Taylor can shoot the cure and hope it works." Josh Explains.

"Why have I not heard about this?" Katelyn asks.

"Sorry Babe you were probably in the bathroom or something," I tell her.

She nods her head. Me and josh bring out the DJ set carefully and we set it up near the beach and plugged in the speakers, it's about to be a beach concert.

Taylor's POV

Jess and I are getting into position. She's piloting the helicopter and I'm double checking everything is secure. Today is the day to release the cure and test it out on some clueless zombies in hopes of transforming them back to their usual selves.

"I can't wait for this, I'm just hoping it works!" Jess says crossing her fingers.

"I'm sure it'll work," I reassure her.

"BUTTERSCOTCH," I hear Dezi yell out from below. Jess instantly starts up the helicopter and we launch off of the helipad. I've prepared the cure and triple checked everything.

"Ok, when I say 'Bitch fly' you pull the lever that will release the cure, it will be airborne and it will land on their heads, hopefully turning them back to humans." Jess instructs.

"Yep no problem, my eyes and ears are open and ready." I reply.

"Also as soon as the cure is released we were told to go down and get clothing and stuff, I don't know, it was apart of Dezi's hospitality and shit," Jess says rolling her eyes.

"Why do we get stuck with the shitty jobs?" I ask.

"I don't know, we get to be in charge of the helicopter and stuff so it's not all that bad," I say cheering her up a bit.

"Ok get ready I'm almost above the zombies," I say.

"Ok, I'm in position," I tell her with my hand resting on the lever.

"Ok, Taylor, BITCH FLY!" Jess yells. I do as instructed and crank the lever forwards, I hear a loud pop and listen to the liquid below us ooze out from the helicopter. I hear zombies scream and I can smell the burning of their flesh melting off of them.

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