Chapter 40, The Big Bang

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5 years later..

Katelyn's POV

Wow, what a journey we've been through. We are all now legally adults. Felicity had her baby, Eliza! She's gorgeous, looks just like her mum. Everyone else has had children as well. I had triplets. Now that was a mission, carrying those three chubby bubbies around. Don't get me wrong they're gorgeous, but they're a lot of work. Ally is 10! It's unbelievable, and she has a little sister Autumn, who's adorable.

Mia has had a child, Luka. He is the cutest little thing. He runs around in his rich looking clothes. Mia always said she wanted her babies to look rich. And well, she did a good job. Jess and Taylor had a baby together! They went to the sperm donor, and boom, Jess fell pregnant.

Their daughter is stunning, she has blonde hair and blue eyes just like Jess. She got the freckles from Taylor and she has Taylor's hardworking personality. It's so freaking amazing we all have decent looking kids, especially mine.

My baby girl is going to have all the boys chasing after her. I guess being a mother is special. You want to be there for your babies to protect them at all costs, you'll do whatever it takes to be there for them and to make sure that they're always happy. It's like you just wanna protect them from all possible harm and danger forever.

"Mummy," Isabelle says walking into the lounge room with her teddy bear.

"Yes, honey, what's wrong?" I ask her gesturing her to come over here.

"Riley is being a dick," She says innocently.

"Isabelle Dawn Vallarie! Do not talk about your brother like that, how do you even know that word?" I ask her concerned and slightly mad that she knows these types of words at her age.

"Daddy taught me how to say it, he called uncle Dylan a dic-" She says getting cut off by me.

"Ok, ok, don't say that word anymore. It's not a nice word. Ok honey?" I tell her.

"Yes mummy," she says, hugging me. She places a soft kiss on my cheek and walks out of the lounge room.

I take a seat in my chair and pull out my phone. I scroll through my Snapchat and fill in my streaks with people. Hey, I may be like old now but my streaks aren't. I'm so glad they were able to get the worldwide internet back up. I think everyone took a massive sigh of relief when that happened.

Once I'd finished all of my streaks, Isabelle and Riley come running into the lounge room. Riley is dressed up as an astronaut and Isabelle is some type of Spiderman? Riley puts on his astronaut helmet and they run outside. I watch as Riley and Isabelle hop into their mini Jeep. It's so cute, how they can just play for hours, the mini Jeep certainly takes a big part in that.

They make their little sound effect noises as they drive around on the massive slab of pavement, Riley attempting to do burnouts. Not gonna work buddy. Eliza, Naomi, Luka, and Autumn come outside to join in with the fun.

Dezi comes outside with her hot chocolate and sighs.

"Do you miss it?" She asks, staring into the distance.

"Miss it?" I question. Confused by what she's asking about.

"The apocalypse." She says continuing to stare out into space.

"I guess I do in a way," I reply.

"I miss it." She says turning to face me.

We stare at each other in silence.

"It was quite the adventure," I say breaking the silence.

"Omg, it was though, the shit we used to do," She says in a light chuckle.

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