Chapter 37. Save the World II

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Dezi's POV

I look back through my window one last time before we leave. We actually get to leave the house for a reason. It's time for Ally to see the REAL world, not this destructive dead place. We get to start our family and live a happy life. It will be hard to say goodbye but it's for the best.

"Mama!" Ally cheers as she runs to me for a hug. She's 6 now and she's learned so much. It's harder for her right now cause she's starting to enhance her vampire abilities.I can't believe how old she grows although she only has one birthday she ages almost every day.

I'm afraid im losing her childhood memories, i'm afraid we won't be able to make enough memories by the time she's a teenager to an adult then she'll be living as an adult for the rest f her life. Henry's getting used to her still it's hard for him to know his enemy took his daughter's human life.

"Are you ready to go Taylor is waiting with the others in the plane," she asks.

"Yeah yes, of course, let's go." I kiss her on the cheek. We grab our suitcases and head out in the yard. The Plane has been fixed up so much, it's a miracle Taylor can drive a freaking plane!

"Hey, you ready to hop on?" Katelyn asks me as she wipes her tears away.

"Yeah! Honey, can you give me and Auntie Katie a minute?" I ask in a high pitch voice.

She nods and runs to Henry and the guys.

"How are you holding up?" I ask quietly.

"I'm ok it's just hard you know, we've been here for so long it's hard to just leave it." Katelyn says as she starts to tear up again.

I grab out a few tissues and hand them to her.

"Don't cry, it's gonna be ok. We're saving the world, Literally!" I laugh.

"I know, it just feels like it's the end of something, something huge, and now our lives are gonna change forever." She says slowly.

"Yeah, you're right. But it's for the best."

We smile at each other and hug. We've been through so much together, well have each other till the day we die. We'll grow old together and even then we'll stay together, there will be no use leaving each other, we've become family. 

We walk towards the plane, thank god we found 3 more planes for the others to fly. If it was just us doing the job we would take years. Hopefully, once we spread it all together it will take a few weeks.

"Hey, you ready to go?" Henry questions as he takes my hand.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I smile.

"And hey you get your dream you've always wanted to go to Europe." He chuckles.

"Hahaha, you're right let's just hope the place is still standing."

We both laugh. We head up into the plane. We all have extra seat belts since this isn't a stable plane, it's only taken 2 years to officially fix it.

"Hello everyone this is your LADY captain speaking we will be heading off in a few short minutes once the others get the signal. Whatever happens to us, I love you guys and I appreciate everything you've done for me. We'll do this together and end this together. Thank you." Taylor finishes.

That was so beautiful. It's time to take off. It's time to end this.

Henry's POV

And we're off! I've never been on a private plane like this, usually, I just see lazy people on their phones and gossiping to one another, but it's amazing to have the whole family here. Ally seems to take the lift off fun. Even though we crashed into a few trees. We have different time tables for who drops the cure and when.

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