Chapter 22, Zombie Killer 13

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Dezi's POV

I head down into the garage and I go through my car. It's an absolute mess! I found my zombie-slaying tank top. 'Zombie Killer 13' I put it on and walk back out into the lounge room. "Look what I found!" I say laughing. "Haha, that's so cute and true!" Henry  says. "Oh, nice." Jess says looking at me a little weird because I'm a dead person talking and wearing a zombie killer tank top. 

I'm still sad i'm an ugly zombie and I hate it! I miss my hair and my smooth skin and everything about my alive self. Henry and I have tried to umm, do it but when your a dead person it doesn't work out as planned. Jess has gone out to her get her old zombie sample to bring it back here and test different chemicals on it, she may mix the one she used on herself.

Fingers crossed.

Jess's POV

I'm making my way back through the forest with the dead zombie sample. Zombies are much heavier than I'd expected them to be. Oh my god. I've just remembered Taylor. How could I forget that magical sexy goddess! I'm glad Aidens dead. I felt the pressure in our relationship that I had to like kiss him all the time and accept his proposal. I didn't really have any emotion for him. I cared for him though, just not as much as he did for me. I try to walk faster so that I can get back to Taylor and turn her human again. God I hope it works.

I reach the mansion and punch the code in to open the gate.69427. Ugh 69, classic Katelyn.

I bring the body into my lab and put it in the morgue freezer. Some high tech shit that Katelyn's rich parents can afford. I cut a few chunks out of the body and take some blood. I put it all into the testing machines and make my way out through the detox quarantine machine. 

Another rich thing her parents can afford. I walk down the hall to the wine cellar and see Taylor admiring her nails. "Hey!" I say walking into the wine cellar. "Oh hey, be careful I don't wanna turn you or have the urge to eat you." She says backing away. 

"Oh, don't worry you won't, I tested myself and I'm not contagious so I can't get the disease again. Zombies don't have the urge to eat me, you can check if you like." I say coming close to her. She brings her face up near my neck and inhales. 

"Oh, you're right I don't smell your blood or want to eat you." She says smiling. 

"Yeah see told ya. The cure is just about ready again so I'll mix some up and bring you some to make you human again." I say walking out of the wine cellar. "Oh thank fuck, I'm gonna get my body back again!" She says with relief in her voice.

Mia's POV

With all this space in the mansion i've done every possible thing in it, and yet my favourite room is my bedroom cause of my own private bathroom and vanilla soap. I get in the shower and let the hot water devour me. I'm releasing my thoughts and letting them go down the drain when I hear the bathroom door open. It's Ethan. I watch him strip down and walk over to me and lets himself in. He wraps his arms around my bare waist and kisses my neck. 

He turns me around and picks me up. I latch onto his waist and kisses me with all his passion. We press against each other making each other warm under the running water. He strokes my back with his finger teasing me causing me to get goosebumps. He moves his lips towards my shoulder and kisses down, slowly and painfully. I need him so much right now. I feel hard lump hitting my stomach and I know what it is. 

He looks at me. "Are you sure?"He asks. I nod. He enters slowly. I hold my breath but exhale when it's completely in. He moves at a slow but good pace. We continue our kiss as he slowly goes faster. I feel a pressure building up and I just let go. He does too. I fall weakly in his arms but he catches me.He rinses me off gently as he carries me to the bed as he falls down next to me,keeping me close the whole time. 

I can't be fucked to get dressed so I just go to bed naked. He gets into bed naked as well and I crawl over to his side and cuddle up next to him. He pulls me close to him and I trace my fingers around the tattoos all over his torso. "What does this one mean?" I ask him pointing at some type of foreign language on his shoulder. "It says 'Laugh as much as you breathe, love along as you live'. I think I've found a purpose for that though." He says looking at me. I look back at him. I watch as a tear rolls down his cheek. I put my hand on his cheek and he looks away. "

Why are you crying?" I ask him quietly. 

"You. You're just so perfect." He replies. He smiles at me and pulls me closer to him. I make sure I get into every nick and cranny. We lay there together for a while. I admire his scent. I eventually fall asleep his arms. This is my safe place. With Ethan. Forever.

Jess's POV

"Guess who's back, back again, I am back, back again." I say walking into the wine cellar with my cure kit. Why am I so weird?

"Are you ready?" I ask Taylor. "As ready as I'll ever be!" She says preparing herself. I open the case and get the syringe out, I tip the purple liquid upside down and pull the end of the syringe, causing the liquid to get sucked into the plastic syringe. One I have used the whole bottle I make sure there's no air in the syringe and slowly enter it into her arm. She doesn't wince once. Probably because she's a zombie though. I've added extra so that she'll turn quicker.

1 hour later

"You're almost completely transformed back!" I tell her. "For the first time in ages I feel like me again." She tells me smiling. Just as I'd imagined she was prettier than ever. Her wild red hair shiny and messy. Her green eyes more vibrant now that she is alive again. Her skin so soft and fair. I can't help myself. I am staring at her plush pink lips. They are so beautiful. I can't hold myself back anymore. She is completely human now. I lean in and kiss her. She kisses back surprisingly. 

"Well, that was unexpected." She says breaking the kiss smiling. 

"Yeah, sorry you're just literally the best thing that has happened to me since this whole stupid thing. Sorry if I'm being weird but it's true." I say getting that off of my chest. 

She smiles at me and kisses me again. "Now, you know what the best thing in the fucking world would be right now?" She asks me "What?" I ask her. "A shower!" She says with desperateness in her voice. I laugh and lead her towards the bathroom. I wonder where this interesting relationship will lead...

Guys I haven't posted in like...FOREVER!

I'm so sorry I've been pretty busy lately and didn't have the motivation and stuff but here's the finished product. Don't worry the books not over just yet.

Are you excited for halloween? 


Byyeeeeee <3333333

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