❤️ Toshinori imagine #1 - Part 2❤️

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The slow hum of the air conditioning interrupted y/n's writing and she let out an annoyed huff.

She was just getting into the flow of describing a crime scene for the file report when they had decided to turn them on.

And they were really dodgy, particularly the one in her office.

Now she wouldn't be able to work at all.

Giving up temporarily y/n, stretched her hands above her head.

An abrupt knock at her door alerted her off an impending intruder and she quickly resumed typing away at the keys of her computer as the door opened.

A small frame peered around from the door.

" Miss l/n."

" Yes Hina?"

Hina was a young secretary here and normally had a timid demeanor about her but today she seemed slightly distressed.

" Are you okay?"

" Yes, thank you miss."

She squeaked.

Yep, definitely agitated in some form.

"What is it then, the boss hasn't broken the water cooler again, has he? "

"No, no, there's a, um, visitor here for you!"

A visitor, y/n wasn't married or anything and if it was urgent someone would've called her.

" Are they in the waiting room?"

" No miss, I told them to go into the conference room."

" Did you? Thank you then Hina, I'll go to them now."

She squealed a dismissal before running off again.

Y/n really wasn't in the mood today to talk to some disatisfied client but work was work.

She got to the fogged glass door of the conference room and entered.

" Sorry for any any wait,"

She automatically greeted, bowing respectfully.

" That's quite alright y/n."

Y/n knew that deep voice easily, anyone would.

"Toshi, what are you doing here?"

She whispered harshly.

He was lounging on a plush sofa in a yellow pinstripe suit.

"What do you mean, I'm visiting."

"Visiting is for clients Toshinori."

"Yes, but-"

"Just because you're the number one hero doesn't mean you can bend the rules.

If you really wanted to see me for some god forsaken reason after all these years then at least do it more discreetly."

All Might seemed slightly taken aback by all this and shuffled slightly in his chair.

" Y/n, it's not like I've forgotten you."

"Sure, it's only the fact that it's been over twenty years since you've come to see me that's implied it. Not even any texts Toshi!"

She lowered her tense shoulders after seeing the emotion on All Might's face.

"I'm sorry, that's just been on my chest for a while."

"It's okay, I understand. Would you like some tea?"


Y/n sat opposite the weakened pro and watched as he poured her a small glass of the steaming liquid before handing it to her.

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