❤️Izuku imagine #2❤️

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Imagine Izuku saving you (fantasy au):

The cool metal rubbed uncomfortably against her wrists, making y/n wince

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The cool metal rubbed uncomfortably against her wrists, making y/n wince.

They were attached together by a rusted chain that rattled hollowly whenever moved and the wagon she sat in dragged on.

It's zig zag motion made y/n feel slightly nauseous as it meandered left and right. The wheels, scarred with dents, wobbled like a half-drunken man in the morning.

They even sounded unstable, wheeling and whining every few seconds as they rotated in odd angles.

This all lead to the ride being not so pleasant for y/n.

The country side would have been one of immense beauty and serenity if it wasn't for the fact that she was a prisoner.

The people that had taken her sat near the front, whipping the stubborn horses into a slow trot.

They all wore black hooded cloaks that obscured their identities.

Slave traders.

She should not have been so naive to have wandered aimlessly about at such an ungodly hour of the night without expecting to run into any trouble.

You see y/n normally did.

She had a way of finding herself in situations that seemed so bizarre they were true, despite also being in great peril a large percentage of the time.

She should have taken someone with her when she left the house to take a midnight stroll.

But who would've been willing, or even awake, to have done so.


He always seemed to have spare time when she asked and was always happy to go along with her regular escapades.

And he stayed up late most of the time, reading and writing and studying through ancient books bound with secrecy.

In fact, y/n thought that he was awake right now, at the crack of dawn, after indulging in a thickly padded novel all night, wondering where his friend was now.

It saddened her a lot to think of her small village, so far behind her and so far from reach.

Perhaps Izuku hadn't noticed, or never would.

Looking forwards, y/n saw her captors sitting silently, unmoving, the three of them hadn't spoken since she was first taken.

Back then they had mostly shouted snappy remarks at each other for not detaining her fast enough and none of the words had been spoken directly at her either.

She hadn't seen a village, or at least one that was inhabited, since leaving her own one too.

The land they were entering now was said to hold mystical creatures like dragons.

The thought alone made y/n suddenly cold.

And worst of all, it was ruled by someone who was known as a merciless tyrant throughout, Bakugo Katsuki.

That wasn't important though.

" Hey, who's that? "

One of the trader, presumably a man from the voice, called out gruffly.

" Don't know. "

Another replied.

" And don't care, carry on. "

The last answered in an annoyed tone.

Correct to their observations, there was a figure blocking the path ahead, facing the cart in a threatening manner.

As they approached the form it came apparent that they were not going to move anytime soon.

And then y/n realised something. She recognized something.

That hair, those freckles...

" Izuku! "

The three slave traders whilred around to face her, all bearing bewildered expressions.

" You know this kid? "

She nodded enthusiastically but immediately regretted it as the traders grinned maliciously at each other.

A metre or so from Izuku they stopped the cart, each getting out.

" Move boy. "

One warned, but the enjoyment in his voice was evident.

" Yeah, "

Another sniggered.

" Or we will have to take you too. "

Y/n gave the boy a worried look as he just stood there.

Izuku looked back at her, and as they made eye contact he smiled?

The traders drew out their weapons, short daggers, the blades were rusted but regularly sharpened.

" Alright then. "

The first man sneered, waving his dagger about in the early morning light.

As they went to attack, Izuku produced his own blade, a two-handed sword given to him from the village sorcerer.

The blade was an infamous one.

One for all.

There were many great deeds attached to its name but most thought the powers fabled of the sword were all just tales.

Raising the weapon above his head, Izuku stared down the opposition.

The traders hesitated, apprehension slowing their efforts of another capture.

But after a second their confidence surged back and the three advanced.

However, before their daggers could even scathe him, a large figure formed behind Izuku.

It seemed like some sort of illusion or supernatural entity that glowed with power and authority. It's majesty towered above Izuku's smaller stature like some fiery mountain.

The myths were true.

He brought down the sword, slashing diagonally with both hands clenched around the handle and the ghost-like figure copied.

A torrent of heated wind punched its way into y/n's face, blowing her backwards.

She shut her eyes tightly and waited for the end of the burning blizzard.

When the wind finally distilled itself she opened them slowly.

Y/n was met with the same scene as before, Izuku standing on the path, but the figure behind him had gone. And so had the slave traders.

" Where did they go? "

She asked worriedly, feverishly checking for any sign of the hooded trio.

" They're gone now y/n. "

" Izuku. "

She smiled thankfully at him as he came close to her.

He gave her a wide grin back and placed the sword back into its sheath.

" Thank you. "

" No problem, now, let's get back home. "

" Definitely. "

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