❤️ Todoroki imagine #4 ❤️

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Imagine Todoroki writing you a love letter:


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This is crazy bois, I'm not joking when I say that this feels like such a big achievement to me. This is my first book that has gotten so popular, and I know it is quite a long one, but still, I feel so happy and thankful!

I'm so grateful to all of you, my little babies! When I started this book I could have never imagined getting over 10k let alone 100!

I can still remember when 50 reads meant the world to me! 

I am forever indebted to you guys and love you (mwah) beyond these words and screen could ever show. Stay safe and stay well!

All you wanted was a quiet evening to yourself and your thoughts as you curled under the blankets on your couch, but of course, that wasn't going to happen.

You had just gotten comfortable, situating yourself amongst the pile of fluffiness and had begun listening to the rain hammering against the roof.

Exhaling, your thoughts began to wander back to where they always went on these lonely evenings.


Your boyfriend of four months was the sweetest boy you had ever met. His words and loving actions, not to mention those devilishly handsome looks, had all drugged you into a heart-eyed stupor.

What was even better was that he reciprocated those feelings for you, equally cherishing your heart, although you couldn't comprehend how.

He would normally visit in the evenings, holding your frame close to him and nuzzling you tenderly.

Yet more recently he had other duties to worry about. His father decided to take him out on patrol with him for some extra 'experience'.

You knew how much Shoto hated it. Every minute spent with his father dragged on into either unintended conflict or periods of awkward silence.

Both outcomes pained him. He confided this to you, your cuddling sessions, which were already becoming less frequent, began to shift into you comforting him and stroking his hair.

Not that you minded of course. You were there to support him. But you couldn't help but think about how if he turned pro and you two stayed together how stressful the relationship would be.

As you began to drift off into a fractured slumber you heard soft knocking on the door. Annoyed, you stumbled from your position towards it, swinging it open with suspicion.

" Who's there? "

Apparently, no one.

You stared out in front of you at the darkened driveway, the rain still tumbling to earth relentlessly as if God had a sudden desire to cleanse the turf there.

Despite the shadows of the evening you could still see your surroundings, but nothing looked out of place, and there was no one around.

" Great, probably some bratty kids ding-dong-ditching or whatever. "

You mumbled grumpily. But as you turned to head back inside your eyes caught a white envelope lying on the doorstep unceremoniously.

It had no stamp or address on it, only your name on the front. It must have been delivered by hand then.

Grabbing it, you trekked back to your refuge of blankets before tearing the paper open. Inside you found a A4 sized piece of parchment, decorated in floral patterns, washi tape and glitter.

Slightly confused, you thought to yourself,

" The hell is this? "

It read:

My dearest y/n,

Such a delicate petal like you should not have to lie alone in the night. It pains me to think of you suffering.

It is not my intention to blame my father's actions for my absence, however I hope it is in your understanding that I cannot bear to be apart from you for so long.

My father lectures me on my weaknesses, both physically and mentally. But he does not realise that the true reason for my lack of skill during the patrols is that my mind is constantly burning with a relentless desire to be with you.

I do not think I can function properly without being able to be near to you all the time. And it is evident that it is impossible for me to survive without your loving embrace as I cannot even apprehend D-class villains properly.

It is my deepest hope that you are safe and well too, I understand that I have not been giving you the proper care and love that such a girlfriend deserves. Also, do not feel guilty for my sudden incompetence, without you in my thoughts I believe I would go even crazier.

That is why I will be telling my father that I will not join him again for any more patrols, both because I feel I am a hindrance and I hate being near to him instead of you.

Please wait patiently my love, for it is not long before we will be reunited together again.

My dearest wishes and regards,

Your Shoto.

You frantically reread the letter a few times, eyes repeatedly scanning the hand-written words. After you had figured this was legitimate you clutched it close to your chest, cherishing the piece of paper like a newborn as a wide grin split across your face.

It was hard to comprehend how and why he would go to so much effort to tell you this when he could have just sent you a text. But you didn't care.

The sweet action had touched a string in your heart that had weakened from the lack of contact over the past weeks.

Reaching for your phone you went to text him but decided against it. Instead you leapt up and bounded over your desk.

You smirked to yourself. If you were going to reply, you were going to make him feel as you had when you had read the letter. 

And you began to write.

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