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Song: Enchanted (Taylor Swift)

The first two weeks at college were entirely uneventful and Tae had no complains. He lived for an uneventful life. They made to their classes on time except for one day, which in his defense they did make in time only to realize an hour later that it wasn't their classroom.

Also, fortunately for them, the Pros were on a low because of a cautionary warning. It wouldn't last for long though. He knew they were already on a prowl.

The alarm went off at 6 as always.

But Tae is already awake. In fact, he doesn't remember if he slept at all. He shut off his alarm as he wondered if Jimin was okay.

Last night, Jimin texted him.

Chimmy: Tae, are you awake?

Tae: Wide awake. I still can't decide what to sing.

Chimmy: Maybe you should sing "Wide Awake". :P

Tae: Hahahahahahahaha. Not funny, Chimmy. I am tensed.

Chimmy: It is okay, Tae. Whatever you choose, I know you'll do well.

Tae: Did you decide your routine?

Chimmy: Yeah, the one that I showed to you before summer. I made a few changes but mostly that.

Tae: They'll all be floored, Chimmy. 😊

Tae: Also, last week you said someone ran into you. Who?

Chimmy: No one.

Tae: Bitch, spill.

Chimmy: :/

Chimmy: Oli.

Tae: I knew it! What did he say?

Tae: How the fuck does he find you only when I am not around?

Chimmy: He probably remembers your bitch slap from last year, Taetae.

Tae: It did not do its job if he isn't staying away from you.

Tae: What did he say?

Chimmy: The usual. He said he'll be at the audition tomorrow. I don't want him there.

Tae: I'll kill him in the noon then.

Chimmy: Lol Tae.

Chimmy: You just be there. I'll be fine.

Tae: I'll be, Chimmy. 😊

Tae: But I still might murder him before I go to my audition.

Chimmy: Haha, let it be. You know the pros. We've suffered enough for standing up against the weakest.

Tae: Have my number on speed dial, bitch. Call me when you see him.

Chimmy: Don't be so dramatic, Tae. Calm down.

Chimmy: I'll try to sleep. I don't want to fall asleep while I dance.

Tae: Good night, Jimin-ah.


Argh, how much Tae hated that pig face, Oli Burton. The Pros.

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